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Move的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计143篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、公路运输、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文110篇、专利文献33篇;相关期刊76种,包括中外企业家、云南财经大学学报(社会科学版)、计算机应用文摘等; Move的相关文献由186位作者贡献,包括唐朝晖、左海明、蒋兴浩等。



论文:110 占比:76.92%


论文:33 占比:23.08%





  • 唐朝晖
  • 左海明
  • 蒋兴浩
  • 丁峰
  • 不公告发明人
  • 丛兵兵
  • 何沛松
  • 冯旭
  • 刘宇
  • 刘永宝
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • ZHONG Yingru1; WANG Yan1
    • 摘要: We selected 30 complete research articles (RAs) in clinical medicine written by native speakers both from English and Chinese journals, and made a detailed comparative genre analysis of them with reference to Swales’ model of genre analysis and Nwogu’s schema. Our results showed that English and Chinese RAs in clinical medicine shared generally a similar generic structure of 11 moves as well as present some obvious differences in the frequency, sequence, and length of these moves. Our findings will provide some practical guidance for Chinese medical workers in reading and writing medical RA.
    • 王儒钰
    • 摘要: Although contrastive move analysis of article abstracts has been a highlight,few studies focus on abstracts of natural sci ence articles.To compensate for this gap,this study,based on IMRD model,focuses on aquatic biology abstracts and contrasts those by native English speakers and those by Chinese authors.Combining quantitative and qualitative studies,it reveals their dif ferences and similarities in terms of the frequency of different moves,sentence length and move length significance.Such similari ties and differences can be explained by the face culture of China,the different language proficiency and the common convention of academic abstract.
    • Soad Samir; Eid Emary; Khaled Elsayed; Hoda Onsi
    • 摘要: Copy-move offense is considerably used to conceal or hide several data in the digital image for specific aim, and onto this offense some portion of the genuine image is reduplicated and pasted in the same image. Therefore, Copy-Move forgery is a very significant problem and active research area to check the confirmation of the image. In this paper, a system for Copy Move Forgery detection is proposed. The proposed system is composed of two stages: one is called the detection stages and the second is called the refine detection stage. The detection stage is executed using Speeded-Up Robust Feature (SURF) and Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints (BRISK) for feature detection and in the refine detection stage, image registration using non-linear transformation is used to enhance detection efficiency. Initially, the genuine image is picked, and then both SURF and BRISK feature extractions are used in parallel to detect the interest keypoints. This gives an appropriate number of interest points and gives the assurance for finding the majority of the manipulated regions. RANSAC is employed to find the superior group of matches to differentiate the manipulated parts. Then, non-linear transformation between the best-matched sets from both extraction features is used as an optimization to get the best-matched set and detect the copied regions. A number of numerical experiments performed using many benchmark datasets such as, the CASIA v2.0, MICC-220, MICC-F600 and MICC-F2000 datasets. With the proposed algorithm, an overall average detection accuracy of 95.33% is obtained for evaluation carried out with the aforementioned databases. Forgery detection achieved True Positive Rate of 97.4% for tampered images with object translation, different degree of rotation and enlargement. Thus, results from different datasets have been set, proving that the proposed algorithm can individuate the altered areas, with high reliability and dealing with multiple cloning.
    • 江华
    • 摘要: 据Focus 2 Move和AUTOIP最新的数据显示,20l7年度,日产奇骏(X—TRAIL+Rouge)全球销量为87.6万辆,同比增长10.8%。
    • 雅南
    • 摘要: 当我们想将一个已经安装的软件移动到其他位置时,往往需要卸载之后再重新安装,除非你用的是一款绿色软件。由于涉及到注册表项目和一些其他系统相关文件,简单的拷贝软件目录的移动方法往往不能奏效,这时,我们可以利用一款Folder Move软件来解决问题。
    • GLYNN L G; GLYNN F; CASEY M; 本刊编辑部
    • 摘要: 背景健康干预在研究机构和日常临床实践中取得的效果一直存在差异。本研究旨在使用规范化过程理论,对在全科诊所中开展SMART MOVE干预(应用移动医疗干预促进身体锻炼)所遇到的困难及解决办法进行理论分析。方法本研究在爱尔兰西部开展。使用立意抽样,从Clare Primary Care Network的4个成员机构(全科医疗中心)邀请部分患者及工作人员并征得其同意参加试验。对14例工作人员进行了小组访谈(分为全科医生小组、全科护士小组、非医务人员小组),对4例患者(分为SMART MOVE干预小组和对照组)进行了半结构化访谈。应用规范化过程理论对访谈主题进行设计。应用规范化过程理论及框架理论对访谈结果进行分析。结果访谈结果分为4个主题:促进利用SMART MOVE干预进行锻炼的个人及专业化策略;主动利用SMART MOVE干预进行锻炼需要做的角色转换和行为调整;克服使用SMART MOVE干预进行锻炼过程中遇到的挑战;评价SMART MOVE干预效果、采纳干预方案和坚持利用此种干预。显而易见,要推行一种新的健康干预方案,需要对此方案本身以及应用环境进行综合评估。虽然推行过程中存在困难,但是只要对推行者和目标人群来说,该方案具有适用性,适合应用环境的核心健康目标以及健康文化,能满足目标人群的需求,那么该方案就有可能得到成功推行。结论本研究对在爱尔兰全科诊所开展SMART MOVE干预所遇到的困难及解决办法进行了理论分析,表明此种干预可以在全科患者中推广应用。本项SMART MOVE干预已在Current Controlled
    • 马晓
    • 摘要: 美国《现代轮胎经销商》(www.moderntiredealer.com)2016年12月14日报道:Hercules轮胎和橡胶有限公司推出Ironman品牌的i Move Gen2 SUV初级全天候运动型载重轮胎(如图1所示)。这款新轮胎取代了Ironman品牌的i Move SUV轮胎,并新增了7个规格,从大众化的原配胎如275/55R20到流行的大规格如305/35R24。
    • 峰文
    • 摘要: 办完健身卡去了没几次就放弃,生活无节制,身材日渐臃肿……对现代都市人来说,这样的经历再熟悉不过,而来自香港的茄子科技,却从这里面找到了市场的切入点。他们在Indiegogo上推出的Move It四合一智能健身套装,让你在家也能体验到基础的健身房效果。它所占的空间不大,而且有配套应用可做记录、指导。最重要的是,你还可以跟全球其他Move It用户交流、比赛,有竞争,就会有动力嘛。
    • 孙斯文
    • 摘要: 美国《现代轮胎经销商》(www.moderntiredealer.com)2016年6月20日报道: 大力士轮胎和橡胶公司正在升级其Ironman i Move轮胎为i Move Gen2 AS轮胎,如图1所示。该款入门级的全天候超高性能轮胎提供轮辋直径为355.6-558.8 mm(14-20英寸)、速度等级为T,H,V和W的61个规格可供选择,其中22个不在原配胎阵容中。
    • 崔珺
    • 摘要: 大众up!现在提供两款车.型,一个是move up!价格11.69万元。还有一款就是high up!,价格12.99万元。这是目前最便宜的进口车,虽然目标不是smart,但是价格上比smart还要便宜,也就让up!进入了焦点。
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