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instead的相关文献在1984年到2023年内共计39138286篇,主要集中在化学、常用外国语、金属学与金属工艺 等领域,其中期刊论文90篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊50种,包括海外英语(中)、中国介入心脏病学杂志、外科研究与新技术等; instead的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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    • Nabin Narayan Munankarmi; Rabindra Karki
    • 摘要: Nepal is a country where seasonal flu and common cold are commonly observed as a yearly episode.Since historic time,we as a Nepalese have been accustomed to treat this illness with simple treatment of hot steam and herbal medicines.Now over a year has passed and although we have handful of vaccines and drugs at hand some have still question regarding safety and efficacy to tackle the new variants that arise frequently.The situation has been aggravated by a bitter fact that access to vaccine doses and procurement to all population is still a sweet dream that every Household has at disposal to live with currently.With around 2.2%of the population being vaccinated till date(5/27/2021)in Nepal,and around 12 vaccines being approved for administration(Normal and Emergency)globally,the day when all the people in the world will get vaccinated seems to take at least a year[1,2].The big question here is what should people in countries like Nepal do during the mean time?Should we try something instead or are we missing something?
    • 万芳
    • 摘要: A guy calls his boss and says,"I can’t come to work today."The boss asks why and the guy says,"It’s my eyes.""What’s wrong with your eyes?"asks the boss."I just can’t see myself coming to work,so I’m going fishing instead..."
    • 吕鑫
    • 摘要: 你一定叫过出租车,但你叫过直升飞机吗?优步公司正在扩展直升飞机业务,计划让更多人早日打上真正的“飞的”。Uber is giving riders the option to skip the traffic jam and hail(挥手呼叫)a helicopter to the airport instead,provided they can afford it.
    • J.David Spence
    • 摘要: Stroke is the most important cause of death and disability in China,and most strokes(~80-90%)are preventable.Recent advances in a number of measures to reduce stroke are discussed in this narrative review,including smoking cessation,a Mediterranean pattern of eating,salt restriction,B vitamins to lower homocysteine,antiplatelet therapy,anticoagulants and the management of patent foramen ovale and carotid stenosis.Lowering of homocysteine with B vitamins does prevent stroke,but patients with variants of MTHFR require higher doses of folic acid,and because of harm from cyanocobalamin among persons with renal impairment,we should use methylcobalamin or oxocobalamin instead.Aspirin resistance appears to be due to enteric coating,and>50% of Chinese have a reduced response to clopidogrel because of variants of CYP2C19,required to convert the prodrug to its active form.Direct acting oral anticoagulants(DOACs)have revolutionized anticoagulation;important differences among the DOACs are discussed.Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale(PFO)does reduce the risk of stroke,but in most patients with stroke and PFO the PFO is incidental;it is important to identify the subgroup in whom paradoxical embolism was the probable cause of the stroke.Some patients with PFO would be better treated with anticoagulants because of the risk of pulmonary embolism.Carotid stenting carries a higher risk in older patients,and most patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis would be better treated with intensive medical therapy than with either stenting or endarterectomy;the few who could benefit can be identified.
    • Gerd Kaupp
    • 摘要: The purpose of this paper is the physical deduction of the loading curves for spherical and flat punch indentations, in particular as the parabola assumption for not self-similar spherical impressions appears impossible. These deductions avoid the still common first energy law violations of ISO 14577 by consideration of the work done by elastic and plastic pressure work. The hitherto generally accepted “parabolas’” exponents on the depth h (“2 for cone, 3/2 for spheres, and 1 for flat punches”) are still the unchanged basis of ISO 14577 standards that also enforce the up to 3 + 8 free iteration parameters for ISO hardness and ISO elastic indentation modulus. Almost all of these common practices are now challenged by physical mathematical proof of exponent 3/2 for cones by removing the misconceptions with indentation against a projected surface (contact) area with violation of the first energy law, because the elastic and inelastic pressure work cannot be obtained from nothing. Physically correct is the impression of a volume that is coupled with pressure formation that creates elastic deformation and numerous types of plastic deformations. It follows the exponent 3/2 only for the cones/pyramids/wedges loading parabola. It appears impossible that the geometrically not self-similar sphere loading curve is an h3/2 parabola. Hertz did only deduce the touching of the sphere and Sneddon did not get a parabola for the sphere. The radius over depth ratio is not constant with the sphere. The apparently good correlation of such parabola plots at large R/h ratios and low h-values does not withstand against the deduced physical equation for the spherical indentation loading curve. Such plots are unphysical for the sphere and so tried regression results indicate data-treatments. The closed physical deduction result consists of the exponential factor h and a dimensionless correction factor that is depth dependent. The non-parabola against force plot using published data is concavely bent even for large radius/depth-ratios at the shallow indents. The capabilities of conical/pyramidal/wedged indentations are thus lost. These facts are outlined for experimental nano- and micro-indentations. Spherical indentations reveal that linear data regression is suspicious and worthless if it does not correspond with physical reality. This stresses the necessity of the straightforward deductions of the correct relations on the basis of iteration-less and fitting-less undeniable calculation rules on a undeniable basic physical understanding. The straightforward physical deduction of the flat punch indentation is therefore also presented, together with formulas for the physical indentation hardness, indentation work, and applied work for these geometrically self-similar indentations. It is exemplified with a macroindentation.
    • Alessandro Cucchetti; Matteo Serenari
    • 摘要: Radiofrequency ablation(RFA)currently represents a potentially curative treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)in its early stages(1,2).Providing higher rates of complete necrosis of target tumor than other loco-regional therapies(LRTs),RFA plays an important role as bridge therapy to liver transplantation(LT)(3).In the study from Lee and colleagues of the UCLA medical center,published in issue of June 2017 of Hepatology,Authors analyzed the outcome of 121 patients with 156 de-novo HCC treated with RFA as initial stand-alone therapy(4).The study is a fair attempt to analyze the efficacy of RFA as bridge therapy to LT,considering all potential outcome measures.Nevertheless,some results passed unnoticed,while instead deserve further discussion.
    • 黄伟嘉; 孙佳慧
    • 摘要: How gentleness leads to peace是不偏不倚,是胜败难分,是执掌天下,是返璞归真'It is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave and we stood at God’s feet,equal-as we are.'This declaration from Jane Eyre can still stir the heart.The key to building a civilized
    • 摘要: 多年前,在布鲁日。鲁汶大学一位教授问我,中国人为什么总是那么忙碌,连见面打招呼的口头语也不再是'吃了吗',而是'忙什么呐'。他说,比利时也很流行一句话:Don’t disturb me,I’m very busy,busy for rest.很多中国人确实忙碌:顾不上家,顾不上朋友,顾不上吃饭、睡觉,甚至生病也顾不上去医院。忙碌,拉动了社会的高速发展,也带来了身心的倦怠疲惫。于是,一股'休闲'的风尚在中国的城市、街巷里悄然涌动。适逢暑假,本期推出'中国式休闲'专题。不论品茶、太极、禅修还是广场舞,中国式休闲蕴含的
    • 摘要: 在《神奇宝贝》动画中为皮卡丘配音的演员大谷育江在接受采访时,提到了5件关于皮卡丘鲜为人知的事。1.When Ikue Otani first auditioned for the role of Pika chu,she had noidea how popula r Pokémon was at the time.当大谷育江第一次为皮卡丘这个角色试音的时候,她
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