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量子噪声的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计144篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、物理学、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文87篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献59228篇;相关期刊56种,包括长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)、江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)、武汉纺织大学学报等; 相关会议6种,包括全军第十六届放射医学大会、中物院高能激光科学与技术重点实验室第三届学术交流会、第八届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议等;量子噪声的相关文献由326位作者贡献,包括王鑫、王琨、赵炫强等。



论文:87 占比:0.15%


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论文:59228 占比:99.84%





  • 王鑫
  • 王琨
  • 赵炫强
  • 张杰
  • 李亚杰
  • 郭晓敏
  • 郭龑强
  • 张会彬
  • 张胜誉
  • 李广西
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 范洪义; 吴泽
    • 摘要: 从量子力学诞生日起,它的经典对应(或类比)一直是物理学家关心的话题.本文以介观电路量子化的框架中,带有互感的两个介观电容-电感(LC)电路为例,首次讨论了量子纠缠的经典类比(或对应)问题.先用有序算符内的积分理论证明其互感是产生量子纠缠的源头;再推导出求解特征频率的公式,就发现它与一个经典系统的小振动频率的表达式有相似之处,该经典系统组成如下:两个墙壁各连一个相同的弹簧,两个弹簧之间接着一个滑动小车可以在光滑的桌面上运动,小车挂有一根单摆.用分析力学求此系统的小振动频率,发现与上述介观电路的特征频率形式类似,单摆的摆动会造成小车来回振动,摆、小车和弹簧的互相牵制效应反映了小车和摆的"纠缠".
    • 滕鑫; 佘慧敏; 梁焰
    • 摘要: 平衡零拍探测器存在共模抑制比小、响应带宽低等问题。针对以上问题,尝试从两方面进行改进:一方面,通过测试探测器中光电检测器(PIN光电二极管)的响应特性,选择性能相近的器件进行平衡探测,以提升共模抑制比;另一方面,采用跨阻放大与比例运放级联的方式对光电流信号进行提取,解决一级采样放大器增益带宽积局限的问题,在保障灵敏度的同时提升探测器的响应带宽。由此实现了300 MHz的平衡零拍探测,共模抑制比高达66 dB,并有效检测了光信号中的量子散粒噪声,为高速灵敏探测提供了一种有效技术方案。
    • 王雅君; 王俊萍; 张文慧; 李瑞鑫; 田龙; 郑耀辉
    • 摘要: 量子噪声已成为当前精密测量应用中的一种重要限制因素,与其相关的问题已成为研究热点.光学谐振腔作为操控量子噪声的一种重要光学器件,其传输特性决定了输出信号噪声的演化特性.本文通过理论分析光学谐振腔输出的强度、相位与频率的对应关系,对比了过耦合腔、阻抗匹配腔与欠耦合腔传输函数、能量传输、噪声传递的频谱特性,证明其具有功率分束、频率滤波、噪声转换等特性,为量子噪声的分析与操控等应用研究提供了基础,将推动精密测量领域的发展.
    • 郭越凡; CAPOCASA Eleonora; EISENMANN Marc; FLAMINIO Raffaele; LEONARDI Matteo; TACCA Matteo; 肇宇航; 李木子; 吕振伟
    • 摘要: 随着技术的发展,下一代引力波探测器的激光功率将得到进一步提高.大光斑半径的应用也将使探测器的热噪声进一步降低,因此,量子噪声将成为在全频段限制引力波探测器灵敏度的首要因素.作为目前最有保障的一种降低量子噪声的技术,频率相关压缩态很可能将被应用于下一代所有引力波探测器中[1].频率相关压缩态可以通过将频率不相关压缩态与滤波腔相结合而产生.基于滤波腔具有的频率响应特性,这一技术的应用可以使低频波段的辐射压噪声有效降低,同时实现高频波段散粒噪声的降低,从而实现全探测频段灵敏度的提升.基于日本KAGRA引力波探测器的设计,我们预计将9 dB压缩度的压缩态与周损失为8×10?5的300 m滤波腔相结合,可以使探测器灵敏度在全探测频段提高1倍.此实验于2015年开始,目前滤波腔的安装调试已经基本完成,得到的结果基本与实验前的模拟相符合.与频率不相关压缩态光学实验台的安装过程也已经过半,通过温度和控制回路的调制,二次谐波腔的转化率已经超过50%.
    • 蒋慧琴; 徐玉风; 马岭; 杨晓鹏; Toshiya Nakaguchi
    • 摘要: 针对低剂量CT(low?dose CT,LDCT)扫描会导致图像质量劣化问题,提出一种基于剪切波变换的低剂量CT图像质量改善算法.首先,利用Anscombe变换,将LDCT图像中的X射线量子噪声转化为近似服从Gaussian分布的噪声;其次,将变换后的LDCT图像转换成剪切波变换域并针对剪切波域上的低信噪比高频系数子带,利用剩余自相关功率改进噪声方差的计算精度并结合贝叶斯最大后验估计提取非噪声高频系数;最后,利用剪切波逆变换和Anscombe逆变换获得重构图像.大量的实验结果表明,该算法优于小波域的算法.其重构图像质量与基于小波域的算法相比,峰值信噪比(PSNR)平均提高522%,平均结构相似度(MSSIM)提高349%.
    • 杨光; 贾娜; 王依
    • 摘要: 针对噪声环境下量子自组织隐形传态网络的路由选择需求,首先以相位阻尼信道为例,给出了纠缠交换路径保真度以及路径等效噪声系数的计算方法.以最小化等效噪声系数为目标,提出了一种按需路由策略,并进一步给出了一种改进的混合路由策略.两种路由策略均有利于提高量子隐形传态保真度,混合路由策略在跳数内通信比例较高时能获得路由开销与平均路由发现时延的较佳平衡.%In order to solve the routing problem for quantum self-organized teleportation network in noisy environment,a method to calculate the entanglement swapping fidelity and the equivalent noise coefficient of phase damping channel is brought forward.With the goal of minimizing the equivalent coefficient,an on-demand routing strategy and an improved hybrid routing strategy are presented,which are helpful to enhance the fidelity of the quantum teleportation.The hybrid routing strategy can obtain a better balance of the routing costs and the average route finding time delay when the inner hop ratio is high.
    • 吴娜娜; 姜敏
    • 摘要: With a cluster state as the quantum channel, we present a scheme for remote preparation of four-qubit cluster states in noisy environment. In this scheme, we firstly consider the protocol for remotely preparing any four-qubit cluster state under ideal circumstances. In the following, we put forward the scheme for remote preparation of four-qubit cluster states under the influence of four kinds of noisy channels, i.e. the bit-flip noise、the phase-damping noise、the amplitude-damping noise and the depolarizing noise. Finally, we use the fidelity to describe the distance between the output state and the desired prepared state. Without loss of generality, different types of noise have various effects on the process of the quantum remote state preparation. For the phase damping noise, the fidelity of the whole system is not affected by the phase factor for the remote state preparation, but the other three kinds of quantum noise are influenced by the phase factors.%本文采用团簇态作为量子信道,讨论了4种噪声对远程制备四比特团簇态的影响.首先分析在理想情况下,制备者Alice利用团簇态作为量子信道,通过构造巧妙的测量基,帮助接收者Bob获取所需制备的目标四比特团簇态;然后讨论在4种噪声影响下远程制备四比特团簇态,且利用保真度来描述输出态与输入态之间的接近程度.发现不同类型的噪声对远程量子态制备的影响程度不同.尤其相位噪声,在远程量子制备四比特团簇态的过程中,系统的保真度不受待制备量子态的相位因素的影响,然而其他3种噪声都受待制备量子态的相位因素的影响.
    • 关佳; 顾翊晟; 朱成杰; 羊亚平
    • 摘要: We propose a multifunction phase-shifting manipulator with low noise at a single-photon level,by using a threelevel atomic scheme.This three-level system interacts with a strong pumping field and a weak probe field with a large detuning.Due to this large detuning,two lower states can be coherently prepared prior to the injection of the pump and probe fields.In our configuration,the duration of the pumping field is much longer than that of the probe field.By solving the Heisenberg-Langevin equations of our system under the steady state approximation,we calculate the linear susceptibility of the system and examine the quantum noise properties of the probe field in detail.We show that this scheme,which rests on the process of two-wave mixing with initial atomic coherence,exhibits many interesting properties that neither typical electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) schemes nor active Raman gain (ARG) schemes possess.Although both EIT-and ARG-based schemes have been widely investigated in atomic medium,the direct generalizations of these schemes to the single/few photon limit prove to be more problematic.The low fidelity due to the significant probe-field attenuation in EIT medium and the large quantum noise due to the amplification of the probe field in an active Raman gain medium are the main obstacles that prohibit a high-fidelity,low-noise phase shifter from being realized in the single/few photon limit.Physically,this scheme can be viewed as a hybrid scheme in which two processes of different physical principles are allowed to interfere with each other to achieve many desired functionalities.For instance,it can be used as a lossless two-photon-broadband phase-shifter with suitable system parameters.It can also be used as an attenuator/amplifier and a total transparency with a zero phase shift.In particular,we show that by locking the pump field intensity and the two-photon detuning simultaneously a flat constant π-phase shift can be realized with unit probe fidelity in a broad probe field frequency range.Applying the quantum regression theorem,we calculate the noise spectrum of the outgoing probe field as a large phase shift is achieved,and show that this two-photon-insensitive π-phase shift may significantly reduce the quantum noise fluctuations associated with a Raman gain process,and have a lot of potential applications for quantum information processing and optical telecommunication.The realization of this broadband n-phase-shift with significantly reduced quantum noise fluctuations makes this scheme attractive for the realization of low-noise phase-gate/polarization-gate at single-photon level.%我们发现利用相干制备的三能级原子介质可实现低噪声弱光相位操控.基于两波混频效应,相干制备的原子系统在弱光相位操控方面有许多新特性,例如宽频范围内无损常数相位的实现以及无附加相位的吸收与放大等.通过同时锁定抽运光的光强和双光子失谐,我们发现探测光的吸收为零,且探测光的相位对于频率的变化十分缓慢,因而可以通过选择适当的系统参数在很宽的频率范围内实现无损π相位操控.同时,利用该系统我们可以在单光子水平下实现低噪声、无损的量子相位门,这个系统在光通信和信息处理领域有着重要的应用价值.
    • 王倩; 郭宏福; 魏兵
    • 摘要: 根据基于基尔霍夫电流定律的平衡零拍探测原理,设计了一种新的测试方法,在测试过程中脱离以往复杂光路的搭建以及实验环境的高要求,直接对平衡零拍探测中所需的量子噪声光电流信号进行放大测试,并且可以判断出对微弱的量子噪声电流信号的放大效果.另外,在测试过程中,该放大电路具有高灵敏度性和高增益性,能够对微弱的量子噪声很好地进行放大.测试结果表明,该种测试方法能够很简捷地测试出放大后的量子噪声.
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