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外腔的相关文献在1986年到2023年内共计823篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、外科学、特种医学 等领域,其中期刊论文133篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献123023篇;相关期刊73种,包括颈腰痛杂志、黑龙江医学、红外与激光工程等; 相关会议3种,包括二〇〇八年激光探测、制导与对抗技术发展与应用研讨会、第十七届全国激光学术会议、2004全国全固态激光技术与应用会议等;外腔的相关文献由1502位作者贡献,包括方占军、曹建平、李烨等。



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  • 方占军
  • 曹建平
  • 李烨
  • 臧二军
  • 王立军
  • 陈建国
  • 秦莉
  • 宁永强
  • 傅焰峰
  • 张玓
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 杜悦宁; 陈超; 秦莉; 张星; 陈泳屹; 宁永强
    • 摘要: 随着超高速光互连、相干光通信、相干检测等技术的不断发展,对激光光源的线宽、相频噪声、可调谐性和稳定性等都提出了更为严格的要求.利用基于CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)工艺的硅光子芯片与半导体增益芯片各自的优势,将二者准单片集成实现结构紧凑、低功耗和高稳定性的窄线宽半导体激光器成为近年的研究热点.该结构可通过微环谐振器、环形反射镜和马赫曾德干涉仪等提供光反馈压窄线宽,并实现宽调谐范围和稳定功率输出.本文主要阐述了硅光子芯片外腔半导体激光器的最新研究进展,针对几种包含微环谐振器的结构进行了分类介绍,深入讨论了增加耦合效率和降低端面反射率等技术难题.针对未来空间光通信和光互连等应用前景,展望了该类激光器在功率提升和光子集成方面的未来发展方向.
    • 黄彦; 张宇露; 高志强; 周建发; 韩宁宁; 史青; 彭泳卿; 陈杰
    • 摘要: 研究基于闪耀光栅的Littrow外腔量子级联激光器,设计一种改进型Littrow外腔腔型,实现了小型化样机研制.测试结果表明,输出激光波长调谐范围1317cm-1(7.593μm)至983cm-1(10.173μm),最大平均功率17.7mW,激光线宽小于1cm-1,功率稳定性优于0.5%(4h),波长稳定性优于0.12cm-1(5.4h).样机激光头尺寸76mm×54mm×50mm,部分技术指标优于国外商业产品.
    • 周长帅; 王海龙; 龚谦; 荣春朝; 严进一; 杨维凯
    • 摘要: 利用光栅相移效应实现了外腔半导体激光器的大范围无跳模调谐.激光器采用小型化的Littrow型外腔结构,标定中心波长为1550 nm,采用后腔面输出激光.在室温工作条件下,测试了激光器的无跳模调谐范围和无跳模调谐范围内激光器的功率.实验结果表明,利用光栅相移效应实现了11.8 GHz的无跳模连续调谐,最大输出功率达到17.60 mW,获得了0.092 nm的波长调谐范围.该实验证明,利用光栅相移效应也可以实现较大范围的无跳模调谐,为Littrow结构实现无跳模调谐提供了一种新思路.
    • 王军阵; 朱忠; 于新峰; 周军
    • 摘要: In order to study diffraction characteristics of an external cavity diode laser based on dual volume Bragg gratings,a Bragg grating and a transversely chirped Bragg grating were used to compose the dual volume Bragg gratings.The diffraction characteristics of the volume Bragg gratings before and after the combination were analyzed theoretically.The output spectral characteristics of the external cavity diode laser based on dual volume Bragg gratings were studied.The experimental results show that,under the action of the external cavity feedback of the dual volume Bragg gratings,the dual wavelengths can be output simultaneously.By moving the transversely chirped Bragg grating in the lateral direction,it is possible to keep the other one wavelength tuning linearly in the range of 800nm ~ 815nm.This study provides experimental guidance for high-power diode lasers based on dual volume Bragg gratings for dual wavelength output.%为了研究双体布喇格光栅外腔二极管激光器的衍射特性,采用一块体布喇格光栅与一块横向啁啾体布喇格光栅组成双体布喇格光栅,理论分析了组合前后体布喇格光栅的衍射特性,实验研究了双体布喇格光栅外腔二极管激光器的输出光谱特性.结果表明,在双体布喇格光栅外腔反馈的作用下,可以实现双波长同时输出,通过横向移动横向啁啾体布喇格光栅,可以在保持其中一个中心波长不变的情况下,使另外的一个波长在800nm ~ 815nm的范围内线性调谐.此研究为基于双体布喇格光栅实现双波长输出的大功率二极管激光器提供了实验指导.
    • 李志永; 谭荣清; 黄伟; 叶庆; 韩高策; 柯常军; 李辉
    • 摘要: Volume Bragg gratings (VBG) fabricated by photo-thermo-refractive glass are widely adopted in linewidth-narrowing of laser diode with external cavities.The model was based on finite element analyses.Through the model,thermal properties of the VBG were researched under conditions of different laser diode (LD) illumining area,different laser power and different gratings' working temperature.When the LD power was 40 W and the working temperature was 25 °C,the increase of the maximal temperature are 8.52,5.07 and 2.20 °C at the illuminated altitude of 1.48,0.88 and 0.28 mm.The discrepancy between the temperatures of the illuminated area and the working temperature was linear to the LD power.By improving the VBG working temperature,the gap between the actual temperature and the working temperature can be reduced.According to the research,the uniformity of the VBG's temperature can be optimized by choosing illuminated area and LD driving conditions,which will be beneficial to acquire the LD with narrow linewidth.%光热敏折变(photo-thermo-refractive,PTR)玻璃材质的体布拉格光栅(volume Bragg grating,VBG)在外腔半导体激光器(laser diode,LD)光谱特性改善领域具有较为广泛的应用.基于有限元分析方法,研究了LD辐照高度、LD功率和工作温度对VBG热分布的影响.在LD功率为40W和工作温度为25°C的工作条件下,辐照高度分别为1.48、0.88和0.28 mm时,VBG的最高温升分别为8.52、5.07、2.20°C.辐照区域内的温度与工作温度的偏差随LD功率升高等比例变大.升高VBG工作温度,可以缩小辐照区域内的实际温度与工作温度的差距.结果表明,通过优化辐照高度和LD的工作参数,可以实现VBG工作区域较小的温度梯度分布.
    • 李志冰
    • 摘要: 不是麻药,是技术!“二孩政策”出台以来,不论是在街上还是在单位,好像随处可见挺着大肚子的孕妇。医院里的产科病区也是人满为患,加床都已经加到了电梯口。当别人知道我是一名麻醉大夫时,总会这样问:“你们能不能发明一种麻药让生孩子也不疼?”我只能笑笑说:“其实早就可以不疼了,只不过不是一种麻药,而是一项技术而已。”
    • 郭海平; 万辰皓; 许成文; 严拓; 王东升
    • 摘要: 为了研究调谐过程中外腔半导体激光器的模稳定性,采用多光束干涉理论推导Littrow结构外腔半导体激光器的腔增益,并模拟其模结构。分析了光栅面和转臂不在同一平面的情形下,在光栅转动调谐时,通过匹配光栅的反馈波长变化率与外腔波长变化率,推导出最佳的初始外腔长度,并研究了动态模稳定(无跳模调谐)的范围;采用严格的耦合理论和光线变换矩阵分析了准直(耦合)透镜的位置对系统后向耦合效率的影响。结果表明,系统后向耦合效率最大可达99%,极大地压窄了中心波长为780nm半导体激光器的线宽,外腔半导体激光器的理论线宽为未加外腔时的0.96%,动态模稳定范围可达6.8nm。%In order to analyze the mode stability of an external cavity diode laser during the tuning process , its mode structure was deduced and simulated by using the original multiple-beam interference method .The optimal external-cavity length was derived under the condition of matching the grating angle tuning rate with the external cavity mode tuning rate during the grating rotation when the grating plane and pivot arm were not on the same plane .The range of mode stability , namely, mode hop during the tuning process , was also studied .The effect of the collimating lens location on the system back-coupling efficiency was analyzed by using the method of rigorous coupling theory and the ray transfer matrix .The results show that the back-coupling efficiency is up to 99%.Linewidth of diode laser with center wavelength of 780nm was narrowed extremely .Theoretical linewidth of external cavity diode cavity is 0.96% of that of diode laser without external cavity .Stable range of dynamic mode is up to 6.8nm.
    • 吴爽; 吕亮
    • 摘要: T he laser self‐mixing interference technology is a novel measurement technology , w hich has been widely applied in vibration measurement on account of its distinct advantages of simplicity ,compactness and self‐collimating .In this paper ,the piezoelectric pigtail fiber modulation technology was used to modulate the distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser self‐mixing interference system .Finally ,the reconstruction of external object vibration signal was achieved .The reconstruction results showed that the error of reconstructed vibration signal peak value was less than 0 .3% ,when the external target peak value was in the range of λ/4 to 2λ.%激光自混合干涉技术是一种新型测量技术,其具有结构简单、紧凑、易准直等优点,因而广泛应用于振动测量领域.采用压电陶瓷尾纤调制技术,对分布式布拉格反射光纤激光器自混合干涉系统进行调制,最终实现了对外界物体振动信号的重构.重构结果表明,当外界振动物体峰峰值在λ/4到2λ范围时,重构振动信号的峰峰值误差低于0.3%.
    • 马兴1; 闫平2
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨硬脊膜外腔阻滞麻醉常见异常情况的处理和注意事项。方法 本科于5年来收治的手术病例中,有40例行硬脊膜外腔阻滞麻醉,其麻醉效果不能满意或有异常情况,我们将采取相应措施手术顺利完成,并将处理过程统计于微机存档。结果 40例中有28例经相关措施和辅助药物应用后,病人安静,肌肉松弛手术顺利完成,12例因多种原因改为其他方法麻醉,所有病人安全出院。结论 硬脊膜外腔阻滞麻醉的异常情况麻醉效果不满意,或因患者的体位、年龄、导管的位置,注射麻醉的速度,多种原因。行硬外麻醉时,不仅要求麻醉师熟练掌握操作方法,更重要的是掌握和具备处理麻醉意外和并发症的有关措施。
    • 段眉会; 周晓辉; 李随安; 何新阳
    • 摘要: 5机械收粉、授粉技术机械收粉、授粉技术是采用果树收粉器、授粉器分别进行猕猴桃花粉收集和授粉,可极大地节约猕猴桃收粉、授粉成本,提高授粉效率和坐果率。5.1收粉原理和方法电动收粉器采用流线型外腔设计,
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