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Sales talent development support system, sales talent development support method, and business talent development support program



Business talent development support systemBusiness task informationBusiness skill informationAnd store memory associated with expected sales resultsExecute task informationAnd, the receptionist information receptionist who accepts the input of the achievement achievement valueBusiness achievement achievement valueA sales result decision department which judges whether it reaches the expectation value of the sales resultExecute task informationAn execution task determination section for determining whether or not a business task information required to achieve a comparative business expectation value is fulfilledA sales skill identifying section that identifies the sales skill required to perform a shortage of business tasksA sales skill presentation department that presents the sales skill specified by the sales skill specific part.
机译:商业人才开发支持系统业务任务信息信息信息信息信息和商店内存与预期销售结果相关的记忆,接待者信息接待员接受成就成就的投入价值成就成就成果估价值符合销售额的销售结果决策部门达到销售额 raifalexecute任务信息信息管理任务确定部分,用于确定实现比较业务期望值所需的业务任务信息是否是符合履行的销售技能识别部分,该专题识别部分确定履行销售技能介绍部门的销售技能所需的销售技能,这些技术 销售技能特定部分指定的销售技能。



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