首页> 外文OA文献 >Емпіричне дослідження дидактичних умов поєднання словесних методів навчання у початковій школіud(Empirical research of didactic conditions of combination of verbal methods of teaching in primary school)

Емпіричне дослідження дидактичних умов поєднання словесних методів навчання у початковій школіud(Empirical research of didactic conditions of combination of verbal methods of teaching in primary school)



The author reveals the features of combination of verbal methods of teaching in the primary school on the basis of taking into account coordination of its structural components (individual ways of teaching, content motion of teaching material) and external part of teaching methods. Both intra-group and among-groups coordination of teaching verbal methods is suggested. The coordination aspect of teaching verbal methods at different stages of the process of mastering knowledge is suggested.



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