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A Novel Method for Water irrigation System for paddy fields using ANN




In our country farmers have to face many difficultiesudbecause of the poor irrigation system. During floodudsituation, excessive waters will be staged in paddy fieldudproducing great loss and pain to farmers. So, properudIrrigation mechanism is an essential component of paddyudproduction. Poor irrigation methods and crop managementudare rapidly depleting the country’s water table. Most smalludhold farmers cannot afford new wells or lawns and they areudlooking for alternative methods to reduce their waterudconsumption. So proper irrigation mechanism not only leadsudto high crop production but also pave a way for water savingudtechniques. Automation of irrigation system has theudpotential to provide maximum water usage efficiency byudmonitoring soil moistures. The control unit based onudArtificial Neural Network is the pivotal block of entireudirrigation system. Using this control unit certain factors likeudtemperature, kind of the soil and crops, air humidity,udradiation in the ground were estimated and this will help toudcontrol the flow of water to acquire optimized results.



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