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Studies of Water-in-Oil Emulsions: Energy Threshold of Emulsion Formation




This paper summarizes studies to determine the energy onset of water-in-oil formation. The total energy applied to the oil/water in the emulsion formation apparatus was varied from a minimum to a maximum value of approximately 200 to 600,000 ergs (equivalent to 2 x 10(sup5) to 6 x 10(sup 2) Joules). Turbulent energy, which is largely responsible fro emulsion formation, could not e measured. Four, clearly defined states of water-in-oil have been characterized by a number of measurements and by their visual apperance, both on the day of eormation and one week later. This study demonstrated that the energy threshold for the onset of the two states know as stable emulsion and entrained water, is usually very ow, 300 to about 1500 ergs, corresponding to a roational rate in the formation apparatus of about 1 to 3 rpm. It was shown that for the one oil type, Bunker C which forms an entrained water state, that there is no increase in stability with increasing energy input, after the initial formation point. The oil that forms a meso-stable emulsion, Prudhoe Bay, showed a similar tendency in that after the energy onset, which occurs at a high level of about 25,000 ergs, there is no apparent increase in stability. Both oils that form stable emulsions, Arabian Light and Sockeye showed an increasing stability with increasing energy, although the rate increase was gradual with increasing energy.



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