首页> 外文期刊>Colloids and Surfaces, A. Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects >Emulsion stability of surfactant and solid stabilized water-in-oil emulsions after hydrate formation and dissociation

Emulsion stability of surfactant and solid stabilized water-in-oil emulsions after hydrate formation and dissociation


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Hydrates are ice-like crystalline compounds that can cause plugging of crude oil pipelines. Stable water-in-oil emulsions aid in preventing hydrate particle agglomeration and hydrate plug formation in crude oil pipelines. The type of stabilizers present in water-in-crude oil emulsions also influences hydrate formation. Therefore, the effect of hydrate formation and dissociation on the stability of water-in-oil emulsions stabilized using either surfactants or solid particles was investigated. In addition, the difference in the effect of hydrate formation and dissociation on water-in-oil emulsions stabilized using solid particles of varying hydrophobicity was investigated. Furthermore, the effect of hydrate formation and dissociation on droplet size of the water-in-oil emulsions was quantified. The results showed that, the water-in-oil emulsions stabilized using moderately hydrophobic solid particles resisted emulsion destabilization, after hydrate formation and dissociation, unlike water-in-oil emulsions that were stabilized using either surfactants or highly hydrophobic solid particles. Also, after hydrate dissociation, for surfactant stabilized emulsions, the droplet size of water in the residual emulsion increased by more than 85% as compared to the droplet size before hydrate formation. On the contrary, for solid stabilized emulsions, no significant change in the droplet size of the residual emulsion was observed after hydrate dissociation as compared to the water-in-oil emulsion before hydrate formation. A conceptual mechanism was proposed to explain the observed difference in the stability of solid stabilized water-in-oil emulsions when subjected to hydrate formation and dissociation. Additionally, dynamic interfacial tension measurements were carried out to explain the difference in the initial droplet size of solid stabilized and surfactant stabilized water-in-oil emulsions. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:水合物是类似冰的结晶化合物,可能导致原油管道堵塞。稳定的油包水乳液有助于防止原油管道中的水合物颗粒团聚和水合物堵塞的形成。存在于原油中的水乳液中的稳定剂的类型也影响水合物的形成。因此,研究了水合物的形成和解离对使用表面活性剂或固体颗粒稳定的油包水乳液稳定性的影响。另外,研究了水合物形成和离解对使用疏水性变化的固体颗粒稳定的油包水乳液的影响差异。此外,定量了水合物形成和解离对油包水乳液的液滴尺寸的影响。结果表明,与使用表面活性剂或高疏水性固体颗粒稳定的油包水乳液不同,使用中度疏水性固体颗粒稳定的油包水乳液在水合物形成和离解后可抵抗乳液失稳。另外,在水合物解离之后,对于表面活性剂稳定的乳液,与水合物形成之前的液滴尺寸相比,残留乳液中水的液滴尺寸增加了超过85%。相反,对于固体稳定的乳液,与水合物形成前的油包水乳液相比,在水合物解离后未观察到残留乳液的液滴尺寸的显着变化。提出了一种概念性的机理来解释观察到的固体稳定的油包水型乳液在发生水合物形成和分解时稳定性的差异。另外,进行了动态界面张力测量以解释固体稳定的和表面活性剂稳定的油包水乳液的初始液滴尺寸的差异。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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