首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Study of Managerial Challenges Confronting a New Agency: The Case of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.

Study of Managerial Challenges Confronting a New Agency: The Case of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.

机译:新机构面临的管理挑战研究 - 以马来西亚海事执法机构为例。



The government of Malaysia decided to establish a new dedicated agency for law enforcement in the Malaysian Maritime Zone, in addition to the existing 12 agencies. The agency was formally established in May 2004 with the enactment of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Act of 2004 (Act 633). During its inception, the MMEA was intentionally placed under the Prime Minister s Department in anticipation of having to overcome any potential obstacles, and to expedite all legal requirements and financial allocations within the stipulated 18-month operational readiness time frame. The decision to place the MMEA under the supervision of the Prime Minister s Department proved successful when the deadline was met, and the MMEA managed to commence operations in November 2005. The purpose of this project is to study the effectiveness of the MMEA as an operational agency for Law Enforcement and Search & Rescue under the Prime Minister s Department. The project looks at the reporting line of structure for Coast Guards in the United States, India, New Zealand, and Japan, and makes comparisons with the MMEA. These findings will help identify the shortcomings in the MMEA and in particular explain the concept of inclusiveness for the MMEA to be successful and effective, as envisioned by its stakeholders.



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