首页> 外文期刊>Asian Defence Journal >Admiral Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish, Director General, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

Admiral Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish, Director General, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

机译:马来西亚海事执法局局长Datuk Mohd Amdan Kurish将军

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ADJ: Admiral can you brief us on the establishment and development of the Malaysian Coast Guard so far?rnDG: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) was the end result of a study undertaken by the Malaysian government in April 1999. The study revealed that enforcement was not effective because too many agencies were involved that resulted in overlapping functions, overlapping jurisdiction, and uneconomical use of resources. The MMEA began with the creation of a Nucleus team, tasked with making the necessary efforts in the establishment of the agency.
机译:ADJ:海军上将,您能向我们介绍到目前为止马来西亚海岸警卫队的建立和发展吗?DG:马来西亚海事执法机构(MMEA)是马来西亚政府于1999年4月进行的一项研究的最终结果。该研究表明执法效率不高,因为涉及的机构过多,导致职能重叠,管辖权重叠和资源使用不经济。 MMEA从建立Nucleus团队开始,其任务是为建立该机构做出必要的努力。


  • 来源
    《Asian Defence Journal》 |2010年第10期|p.14-1618|共4页
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