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Training Capabilities of Wearable and Desktop Simulator Interfaces




The use of game-based simulations (GBS) for training has considerable potential. However, there are a number of different methods available to present the training, including traditional desktop computer interfaces, or newer wearable computer interfaces that simulate the Soldier's load bearing equipment. The wearable interface employs a helmet mounted display (HMD), sensors positioned on the Soldier's body, and controls mounted on a simulated rifle. As of yet, the advantages of wearable simulator interfaces for training have not been validated by research. Therefore, the TRADOC Capability Manager Virtual Training Environments requested that ARI conduct a study to determine the training advantages of wearable and desktop interface simulators. Ninety-eight participants with no prior military training were trained in a number of U.S. Army warrior skills using one of three methods: a GBS using a wearable interface, a GBS using a desktop interface, and the standard U.S. Army animated training video. Participants in both GBS conditions controlled an avatar in a virtual environment (VE) and watched an instructor avatar demonstrate each of the warrior skills. After each demonstration, the participant was able to practice the skill in the VE with guidance from the instructor. Participants in the control condition simply watched the training video. To measure skill retention, participants were asked to watch a series of short (8-16 second) video captures of an avatar in a VE performing the same warrior skills. After each video clip, they were asked to free recall both correct and incorrect procedures demonstrated by the avatar. Results showed there were no significant differences among the three groups in recall of correct and incorrect steps of the warrior skills. However, the desktop and the wearable groups reported significantly more Presence, Engagement, and Interest/Enjoyment than the control group, with no differences found between the desktop and wearable groups.



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