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Pesticide 'victims'attract media attention in France


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After long battles, several farmers in France have won legal claims that their cancer or Parkinson's disease is caused by working with pesticides. They have now formed a network to help others fight similar cases. Paul Francois was front page news as the annual international agriculture show opened in Paris. As a leading spokesman in the newly formed 'victimes des pesticides' network in France, his photograph featured on the cover of a big circulation family magazine, La Vie. A major landowner and former intensive farmer, Mr Francois now has serious health problems as a result of exposure to pesticides. He is now determined to make his voice heard.
机译:经过长时间的斗争,法国的一些农民赢得了法律上的声称,他们的癌症或帕金森氏病是由于使用农药引起的。他们现在已经形成了一个网络,以帮助其他人应对类似案件。一年一度的国际农业展览会在巴黎开幕,保罗·弗朗索瓦(Paul Francois)成为头版新闻。作为法国新成立的“杀虫剂时代”网络的主要发言人,他的照片出现在大型流通家庭杂志La Vie的封面上。弗朗索瓦先生是主要的土地所有者和前集约农民,现在由于接触农药而面临严重的健康问题。他现在下定决心要发表自己的声音。



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