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Clinical and therapeutic aspects of childhood narcolepsy-cataplexy: a retrospective study of 51 children.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: to report on symptoms and therapies used in childhood narcolepsy-cataplexy. DESIGN, PATIENTS, AND SETTING: retrospective series of 51 children who completed the Stanford Sleep Inventory. HLA-DQB1*0602 typing (all tested, and 100% positive), polysomnography or Multiple Sleep Latency Test (76%), and cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin-1 measurements (26%, all with low levels) were also conducted. Prospective data on medication response was collected in 78% using a specially designed questionnaire. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: patients were separated into children with onset of narcolepsy prior to (53%), around (29%), and after (18%) puberty. None of the children had secondary narcolepsy. Clinical features were similar across puberty groups, except for sleep paralysis, which increased in frequency with age. Common features included excessive weight gain (84% >/= 4 kg within 6 months of onset of narcolepsy) and earlier puberty (when compared with family members), notably in subjects who gained the most weight. Streptococcus-positive throat infections were reported in 20% of cases within 6 months of onset of narcolepsy. Polysomnographic features were similar across groups, but 3 prepubertal children did not meet Multiple Sleep Latency Test diagnostic criteria. Regarding treatment, the most used and continued medications were modafinil (84% continued), sodium oxybate (79%), and venlafaxine (68%). Drugs such as methylphenidate, tricyclic antidepressants, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were often tried but rarely continued. Modafinil was reported to be effective for treating sleepiness, venlafaxine for cataplexy, and sodium oxybate for all symptoms, across all puberty groups. At the conclusion of the study, half of children with prepubertal onset of narcolepsy were treated "off label" with sodium oxybate alone or with the addition of one other compound. In older children, however, most patients needed more than 2 drugs. CONCLUSION: this study reports on the clinical features of childhood narcolepsy and documents the safe use of treatments commonly used in adults in young children.
机译:研究目的:报告儿童发作性睡病猝死的症状和治疗方法。设计,患者和地点:回顾性系列研究,涉及51位完成斯坦福睡眠量表的儿童。还进行了HLA-DQB1 * 0602分型(所有测试,均为100%阳性),多导睡眠图或多睡眠潜伏期测试(76%)和脑脊液hypocretin-1测量(26%,均为低水平)。使用专门设计的调查表收集了78%的药物反应前瞻性数据。测量和结果:将患者分成在青春期之前(53%),大约(29%)和之后(18%)发作性发作性发作的儿童。没有一个孩子患有继发性发作性睡病。除睡眠麻痹外,青春期各组的临床特征相似。常见特征包括体重增加过多(发作性睡病发作后6个月内84%> / = 4 kg)和青春期提前(与家人相比),特别是体重增加最大的受试者。发作性睡病发作后6个月内,有20%的病例报告了链球菌阳性的喉咙感染。各组的多导睡眠图特征相似,但3名青春期前儿童不符合“多重睡眠潜伏期测试”诊断标准。关于治疗,最常用和持续使用的药物是莫达非尼(持续使用84%),羟丁酸钠(79%)和文拉法辛(68%)。经常尝试使用哌醋甲酯,三环抗抑郁药或选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂等药物,但很少继续使用。据报道,在所有青春期组中,莫达非尼可有效治疗嗜睡,文拉法辛引起的瘫痪症,羟丁酸钠治疗的所有症状。在研究结束时,一半的青春期前发作性睡病患儿仅用羟丁酸钠或添加一种其他化合物就可以“治疗”。但是,在较大的儿童中,大多数患者需要两种以上的药物。结论:本研究报告了儿童发作性睡病的临床特征,并证明了安全使用安全的成人儿童常用的疗法。



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