首页> 外文期刊>Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin >Development of Oral Dosage Form for Elderly Patients: Use of Agar as Base of Rapidly Disintegrating Oral Tablets

Development of Oral Dosage Form for Elderly Patients: Use of Agar as Base of Rapidly Disintegrating Oral Tablets


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Rapidly disintegrating tablets as an oral dosage form for elderly patients with impaired swallowing were investigated using agar powders (AG) or treated agar powders (TAG). When the compression pressure was changed from 0.4 to 2.0 ton/cm2, the disintegration time of AG tablets increased from about 60 to about 160 s, and the hardness significantly increased from 3 to T3kgw. The disintegration time and hardness of the TAG tablets were scarcely affected by the compression pressure: the disintegration time was 5—6 s, and the hardness was 2—3kgw. The rapid disintegration of the TAG tablets seemed due to the rapid water penetration into the tablet resulting from the large pore size and large overall pore volume. It was found that rapidly disintegrating oral tablets with proper hardness can be prepared using TAG.
机译:使用琼脂粉(AG)或经处理的琼脂粉(TAG)研究了吞咽障碍老年患者的快速崩解片作为口服剂型。当压缩压力从0.4 ton / cm 2更改为2.0 ton / cm2时,AG片剂的崩解时间从约60 s增加到约160 s,硬度显着从3到T3kgw。 TAG片的崩解时间和硬度几乎不受压缩压力的影响:崩解时间为5-6 s,硬度为2-3kgw。 TAG片剂的快速崩解似乎是由于大孔径和大孔体积导致水快速渗透到片剂中所致。发现可以使用TAG制备具有适当硬度的快速崩解口服片剂。



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