
Orally disintegrating mini-tablets (ODMTs) - a novel solid oral dosage form for paediatric use.


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The new European regulations on paediatric medicines and recent WHO recommendations have induced an increased need for research into novel child-appropriate dosage forms. The aim of this study was the development of orally disintegrating mini-tablets (ODMTs) as a suitable dosage form for paediatric patients. The suitability of five commercially available ready-to-use tableting excipients, Ludiflash, Parteck ODT, Pearlitol Flash, Pharmaburst 500 and Prosolv ODT, to be directly compressed into mini-tablets, with 2 mm in diameter, was examined. All of the excipients are based on co-processed mannitol. Drug-free ODMTs and ODMTs with a child-appropriate dose of hydrochlorothiazide were investigated. ODMTs could be produced with all investigated excipients. ODMTs with a sufficient crushing strength >7 N and a low friability <1% could be obtained, as well as ODMTs with a short simulated wetting test-time <5 s. ODMTs made of Ludiflash showed the best results with crushing strengths from 7.8 N up to 11.8 N and excellent simulated wetting test-times from 3.1 s to 5.0 s. For each excipient, ODMTs with accordance to the pharmacopoeial specification content uniformity could be obtained. The promising results indicate that orally disintegrating mini-tablets may serve as a novel platform technology for paediatrics in future.
机译:欧洲新的儿科药物法规和世界卫生组织的最新建议引起了对新型儿童适宜剂型研究的需求增加。这项研究的目的是开发口服崩解小片(ODMT)作为适合小儿患者的剂型。研究了将5种市售即用型压片赋形剂Ludiflash,Parteck ODT,Pearlitol Flash,Pharmaburst 500和Prosolv ODT直接压制成直径2 mm的微型片剂的适用性。所有的赋形剂均基于共加工的甘露醇。研究了无毒的ODMT和具有儿童适当剂量的氢氯噻嗪的ODMT。 ODMTs可以与所有研究的赋形剂一起生产。可获得具有足够的抗碎强度> 7 N和低脆碎度<1%的ODMT,以及具有较短的模拟润湿测试时间<5 s的ODMT。用Ludiflash制成的ODMT具有7.8 N至11.8 N的抗压强度和3.1 s至5.0 s的出色模拟润湿测试时间,显示出最佳结果。对于每种赋形剂,都可以获得符合药典规定含量均匀性的ODMT。令人鼓舞的结果表明,口腔崩解小片可能会在将来成为儿科的一种新型平台技术。



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