
Effect of microwave heating on optical and thermal properties of rice starch


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This study used the oil bath to imitate the high heating rate of the microwave heating (MV) and evaluated the effects of conventional and MV on optical and thermal properties of rice starch at the same heating rate. The results indicated that the time-temperature profiles for microwave and rapid conventional heating fitted well, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9989. During both conventional and MV starch granule did not swell until 60°C, and granule swelling and loss of granule birefringence occurred simultaneously. DSC revealed a 50% decrease in enthalpy when temperature rose from 60 to 65°C, and a further decrease in enthalpy until 70°C. Therefore, microwave irradiation had no effect on the optical and thermal properties of starch during gelatinization.
机译:这项研究使用油浴模拟了微波加热(MV)的高加热速率,并评估了常规加热和MV在相同加热速率下对大米淀粉的光学和热学性质的影响。结果表明,微波和常规快速加热的时间-温度曲线拟合得很好,相关系数为0.9989。在常规和MV淀粉过程中,直到60℃,淀粉颗粒才溶胀,并且颗粒膨胀和颗粒双折射的损失同时发生。 DSC显示,当温度从60升至65°C时,焓降低50%,直到70°C时,焓进一步降低。因此,微波辐射对糊化过程中淀粉的光学和热学性质没有影响。


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