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Health insurance benefit packages prioritized by low-income clients in India: three criteria to estimate effectiveness of choice.


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We applied a decision tool for rationing choices, with a predetermined budget of about 11 US dollars per household per year, to identify priorities of poor people regarding health insurance benefits in India in late 2005. A total of 302 individuals, organized in 24 groups, participated from a number of villages and neighborhoods of towns in Karnataka and Maharashtra. Many individuals were illiterate, innumerate and without insurance experience. Involving clients in insurance package design is based on an implied assumption that people can make judicious rationing decisions. Judiciousness was assessed by examining the association between the frequency of choosing a package and its perceived effectiveness. Perceived effectiveness was evaluated by comparing respondents' choices to the costs registered in 2049 illness episodes among a comparable cohort, using three criteria: 'reimbursement' (reimbursement regardless of the absolute level of expenditure), 'fairness' (higher reimbursement rate for higher expenses) and 'catastrophic coverage' (insurance for catastrophic exposure). The most frequently chosen packages scored highly on all three criteria; thus, rationing choices were confirmed as judicious. Fully 88.4% of the respondents selected at least three of the following benefits: outpatient, inpatient, drugs and tests, with a clear preference to cover high aggregate costs regardless of their probability. The results show that involving prospective clients in benefit package design can be done without compromising the judiciousness of rationing choices, even with people who have low education, low-income and no previous experience in similar exercises.
机译:我们采用了决策选择工具,每户每年的预算约为11美元,用于确定穷人在2005年底印度在医疗保险待遇方面的优先事项。共有302个人,分为24个小组,来自卡纳塔克邦和马哈拉施特拉邦的许多村庄和城镇居民。许多人是文盲,人数众多,没有保险经验。让客户参与保险包装设计的隐含假设是,人们可以做出明智的配给决策。通过检查选择包装的频率与其感觉到的有效性之间的关联性来评估司法性。通过将受访者的选择与同类人群中2049年疾病发作中记录的费用进行比较来评估感知的有效性,使用以下三个标准:“报销”(无论支出的绝对水平如何,报销),“公平”(较高费用的较高报销率) )和“灾难性保险”(灾难性保险)。在三个标准上,最常选择的软件包得分很高;因此,确定配给选择是明智的。完全有88.4%的受访者选择了以下至少三种好处:门诊,住院,药物和化验,并且无论其可能性如何,显然都倾向于支付高额的总费用。结果表明,即使对于那些教育程度低,收入低且以前没有从事类似活动的人,也可以在不损害配给选择明智性的情况下使潜在客户参与福利方案设计。



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