首页> 外文期刊>SIAM Journal on Optimization: A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics >Various lipschitz-like properties for functions and sets I: Directional derivative and tangential characterizations

Various lipschitz-like properties for functions and sets I: Directional derivative and tangential characterizations


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In this work we introduce for extended real valued functions, defined on a Banach space X, the concept of K directionally Lipschitzian behavior, where K is a bounded subset of X. For different types of sets K (e.g., zero, singleton, or compact), the K directionally Lipschitzian behavior recovers well-known concepts in variational analysis (locally Lipschitzian, directionally Lipschitzian, or compactly epi-Lipschitzian properties, respectively). Characterizations of this notion are provided in terms of the lower Dini subderivatives. We also adapt the concept for sets and establish characterizations of the mentioned behavior in terms of the Bouligand tangent cones. The special case of convex functions and sets is also studied.
机译:在这项工作中,我们介绍了在Banach空间X上定义的扩展实值函数,即K定向Lipschitzian行为的概念,其中K是X的有界子集。对于不同类型的集合K(例如,零,单例或紧集) ),则K定向Lipschitzian行为恢复了变分分析中的著名概念(分别为局部Lipschitzian,定向Lipschitzian或紧密Epi-Lipschitzian性质)。此概念的特征是根据较低的Dini子衍生物提供的。我们还将概念用于集合,并根据Bouligand切线锥建立上述行为的表征。还研究了凸函数和集的特殊情况。



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