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Hepatitis delta virus diagnosis


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The first step in the diagnosis of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection is testing HBsAg-positive individuals for the antibody to the HD antigen (anti-HD). In anti-HD-positive patients, the next step is testing for HDV RNA in serum to determine whether the antibody reflects an ongoing active HDV infection (HDV-RNA-positive) or represents a serologic scar to past HDV infection (HDV-RNA-negative). In the HDV-positive individual with liver disease, it is critical to distinguish acute HDV/hepatitis B virus (HBV) coinfection from chronic HDV superinfection in HBsAg carriers; the course, prognosis, and management of the two conditions are different. The differential diagnosis can be achieved through the scrutiny of the battery of HDV and HBV markers, which combine in patterns characteristic for each condition. Standardized competitive and μ-capture commercial assays are available to determine the IgG and IgM antibody to HDV. Several in-house assays were developed to determine HDV RNA in serum; the sensitivity threshold of current polymerase chain reaction-based assays is 10 copies of HDV RNA/mL. Unfortunately, HDV-RNA assays are not yet standardized and the results from different laboratories often are not comparable due to different sensitivities. The development of an international reference HDV-RNA standard remains an unmet diagnostic need.
机译:诊断肝炎三角洲病毒(HDV)感染的第一步是测试HBsAg阳性个体的HD抗原抗体(抗HD)。对于抗HD阳性的患者,下一步是测试血清中的HDV RNA,以确定抗体是反映正在进行的活动性HDV感染(HDV-RNA阳性)还是代表过去HDV感染的血清学瘢痕(HDV-RNA-负)。在患有肝病的HDV阳性个体中,区分急性HDV /乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)共感染与HBsAg携带者的慢性HDV过度感染至关重要。两种情况的病程,预后和治疗均不同。可以通过仔细检查HDV和HBV标记物的电池来实现鉴别诊断,这些标记物结合了每种情况的特征模式。标准化竞争和μ捕获商业化检测可用于确定针对HDV的IgG和IgM抗体。开发了几种内部测定法来确定血清中的HDV RNA。当前基于聚合酶链反应的检测方法的灵敏度阈值为10份HDV RNA / mL。不幸的是,HDV-RNA分析尚未标准化,由于灵敏度不同,来自不同实验室的结果通常也不可比。国际参考HDV-RNA标准的开发仍未满足诊断需求。



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