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Preservice Teachers Developing Coherent Inquiry Investigations in Elementary Astronomy


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For students to attain deep understanding of scientific practices, they will need to have opportunities to participate in sustained engagement in doing science. Such opportunities begin with elementary teachers implementing coherent and well-sequenced inquiry-based investigations in their classrooms. This study explored how preservice teachers (N = 30) planned inquiry-based investigations for elementary students. The preservice teachers spent the first 5 weeks of their methods course participating in astronomy investigations and then pair-taught astronomy investigations once a week for 5 weeks to elementary students in afterschool programs. We analyzed lesson plans, teaching reflections, and pre/post astronomy content assessments. One-third of the pairs developed coherent science inquiry investigations across all of their lessons. Their reflections suggest that preservice teachers who developed coherent inquiry investigations held normative ideas about scientific inquiry and were more likely to reflect on sense-making practices than preservice teachers who did not plan for coherent science inquiry investigations in their lessons. Preservice teachers' postinstruction astronomy content knowledge was positively correlated with an increased number of lessons spent on coherent science inquiry investigations. Based on our findings, we recommend engaging preservice teachers in coherent science inquiry investigations in a single domain followed by opportunities to plan and teach elementary children in that domain. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:为了使学生对科学实践有深入的了解,他们将需要有机会参与持续参与科学活动的机会。此类机会始于小学教师在教室中进行连贯且有序的基于调查的调查。这项研究探讨了职前教师(N = 30)如何为小学生计划基于询问的调查。职前教师花了方法学课程的前5周参加天文学调查,然后每周一次对配对的天文学调查进行为期5周的小学生课外学习。我们分析了课程计划,教学反思以及天文学前后的内容评估。三分之一的学生在所有课程中开展了连贯的科学探究调查。他们的反映表明,开展连贯探究调查的职前教师持有有关科学探究的规范性思想,比未在课程中计划进行连贯科学探究调查的职前教师更有可能反思感官实践。职前教师的教学后天文学内容知识与花在连贯的科学探究研究上的课程数量增加呈正相关。根据我们的发现,我们建议聘用职前教师在单个领域内进行连贯的科学探究调查,然后在该领域内计划和教小学生。 (C)2015年Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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