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Radiation-induced luminescence images and TL-property changes with thermal annealing treatment on Japanese twin quartz


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Two-dimensional patterns of radiation;induced phenomena, including thermoluminescence (TL), after-glow (AG) and colour centre (CC) images, showed significantly different behaviour between the core and outer parts of a Japanese twin quartz slice. Intense smoky colouration and blue luminescence appeared in the core, giving a good inverse correlation with the distribution of aluminium impurity. In addition, there was a characteristic red AG in the outer parts of the crystal. The response to radiation of the blue TL (BTL) from the outer part of the as-received quartz slice segments revealed poor BTL sensitivity and a tendency to saturation at low doses. The outer parr was especially characterized by high contents of both aluminium and OH impurity, although the annealing treatments greatly eliminated the OH concentrations as water vapour. The annealing treatment (50 hr at 1000 degrees C) of the slice segments brought on a remarkable changes to the TL-property; the core part was converted from BTL having a broad peak around 480 nm at 230 degrees C into a new BTL peak around 100 degrees C, and broad spectrum ranging from BTL to red TL (RTL) at 300 degrees C. The outer part was characterized by a change into a new single 100 degrees C BTL peak from some weak peaks of the as-received segment. On the basis of these radiation-induced phenomena, a new formation mechanism for twin quartz is proposed. We propose that the core part was formed first and was followed by the formation of the out part from hydrothermal solution and with a higher aluminium concentration. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 24]
机译:辐射诱发的二维图案,包括热致发光(TL),余辉(AG)和色心(CC)图像,在日本双晶石英切片的芯部和外部之间表现出明显不同的行为。核心出现强烈的烟熏色和蓝色发光,与铝杂质的分布具有良好的反相关性。另外,在晶体的外部存在特征性的红色AG。接收到的石英切片片段外部对蓝色TL(BTL)辐射的响应显示出不良的BTL敏感性和低剂量时趋于饱和的趋势。尽管退火处理极大地消除了作为水蒸气的OH浓度,但外部玻璃的特点是铝和OH杂质含量都很高。切片的退火处理(在1000摄氏度下50 hr)使TL特性发生了显着变化。核心部分从在230摄氏度时在480 nm附近具有宽峰的BTL转变为在100摄氏度时在BTL到红色TL(RTL)范围内的宽光谱的新BTL峰。通过从接收段的一些弱峰变成一个新的100摄氏度BTL峰。基于这些辐射诱发的现象,提出了一种新的孪生石英形成机理。我们建议先形成芯部分,然后再由水热溶液形成较高铝含量的外部分。 (C)1998由Elsevier Science Ltd.出版。保留所有权利。 [参考:24]



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