首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Decision making in ant foragers (Lasius niger) facing conflicting private and social information.

Decision making in ant foragers (Lasius niger) facing conflicting private and social information.

机译:面对冲突的私人和社会信息的蚂蚁觅食者( Lasius niger )的决策。

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Foragers of many ant species use pheromone trails to guide nestmates to food sources. During foraging, individual workers can also learn the route to a food source. Foragers of the mass-recruiting ant Lasius niger use both pheromone trails and memory to locate a food source. As a result, an experienced forager can have a conflict between social information (trail pheromones) and private information (route memory) at trail bifurcations. We tested decision making in L. niger foragers facing such an informational conflict in situations where both the strength of the pheromone trail and the number of previous visits to the food source varied. Foragers quickly learned the branch at a T bifurcation that leads to a food source, with 74.6% choosing correctly after one previous visit and 95.3% after three visits. Pheromone trails had a weaker effect on choice behaviour of naive ants, with only 61.6% and 70.2% choosing the branch that had been marked by one or 20 foragers versus an unmarked branch. When there was a conflict between private and social information, memory overrides pheromone after just one previous visit to a food source. Most ants, 82-100%, chose the branch where they had collected food during previous foraging trips, with the proportion depending on the number of previous trips (1 v. 3) but not on the strength of the pheromone trail (1 v. 20). In addition, the presence of a pheromone trail at one branch in a bifurcation had no effect on the time it took an experienced ant to choose the correct branch (the branch without pheromone). These results suggest that private information (navigational memory) dominates over social information (chemical tail) in orientation decisions during foraging activities in experienced L. niger foragers.
机译:许多蚂蚁物种的觅食者都使用信息素踪迹来引导筑巢者觅食。在觅食期间,个体工人还可以学习通往食物来源的途径。大规模招募蚂蚁 Lasius niger 的觅食者使用信息素踪迹和记忆来定位食物来源。结果,经验丰富的觅食者可能会在路径分叉处出现社交信息(线索信息素)和私人信息(路线记忆)之间的冲突。我们测试了 L的决策。在信息素踪迹的强度和先前对食物来源的访问次数不同的情况下,尼日尔觅食者面临着这种信息冲突。觅食者在导致食物来源的T分叉处迅速了解了该分支,前一次访问后74.6%正确选择,三次访问后95.3%正确选择。信息素路径对幼稚蚂蚁的选择行为影响较弱,只有61.6%和70.2%的人选择了由一个或20个觅食者标记的分支与未标记的分支。当私人信息和社会信息之间存在冲突时,在上次访问食物源后,记忆会覆盖信息素。大多数蚂蚁(82-100%)选择了在之前的觅食之旅中收集食物的分支,其比例取决于之前的游程次数(1对3),而不取决于信息素踪迹的强度(1对3)。 20)。此外,分叉中一个分支上存在信息素尾迹对经验丰富的蚂蚁选择正确分支(没有信息素的分支)所花费的时间没有影响。这些结果表明,在有经验的L的觅食活动中,在定向决策中,私人信息(导航记忆)在社会信息(化学尾巴)中占主导地位。尼日尔觅食者。



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