首页> 外文期刊>Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology. >Population pharmacokinetics of clofarabine and its metabolite 6-ketoclofarabine in adult and pediatric patients with cancer.

Population pharmacokinetics of clofarabine and its metabolite 6-ketoclofarabine in adult and pediatric patients with cancer.


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Clofarabine for injection is a second-generation nucleoside analog approved in the United States (Clolar((R))) and Europe (Evoltra((R))) for the treatment of pediatric relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This report describes the population pharmacokinetics of clofarabine and its metabolite 6-ketoclofarabine in adult and pediatric patients with hematologic malignancies or solid tumors. Clofarabine pharmacokinetics were best described by a 2-compartment model with linear elimination and first-order absorption after oral administration. Clofarabine was rapidly absorbed following oral administration with a mean absorption time of less than 2 h and bioavailability of 57.5%. The important covariates affecting clofarabine pharmacokinetics were age, weight, and estimated creatinine clearance (eCrCL). No difference in pharmacokinetics was observed between sexes, races, or disease type. The elimination half-life was dependent on all the covariates but was generally less than 7 h in all cases. A difference in clofarabine pharmacokinetics was observed between adults and children. For a pediatric patient 3 years old weighing 16 kg with an eCrCL of 138 mL/min/1.73 m(2), the population estimates for total systemic clearance and volume of distribution at steady-state were 18.3 L/h (1.14 L/h/kg) and 92.9 L (5.81 L/kg), respectively. alpha- and beta-half-life were 0.9 and 4.4 h, respectively. For an elderly patient 82 years old weighing 96 kg with an eCrCL of 46 mL/min/1.73 m(2), the population estimates for CL and Vdss were 21.5 L/h (0.22 L/h/kg) and 257.4 L (268 L/kg), respectively. alpha- and beta-half-life were 0.5 and 10.6 h, respectively. Because of the difference in pharmacokinetics, adults have higher exposure than children given a similar dose standardized to body surface area. The exact mechanism of this difference is not understood. As eCrCL decreased, exposure increased due to reduced total systemic clearance. In the case of moderate (eCrCL 30 to 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) and severe (eCrCL <30 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) renal impairment, dose reduction may be needed to maintain similar exposure in an equivalent patient of the same age, weight, and normal renal function after both oral and intravenous administration. 6-Ketoclofarabine was a minor metabolite with peak plasma concentrations occurring about 1 h after the start of the infusion and having a metabolite ratio averaging less than 5% and not more than 8% for any particular individual. 6-Ketoclofarabine was rapidly cleared from plasma with an average apparent half-life of 4.9 h (range 3.9 to 6.2 h). No accumulation of 6-ketoclofarabine was observed with predose samples all below the limit of quantification on Days 8 and 15. Further monitoring of 6-ketoclofarabine is not required in future studies.
机译:注射用氯法拉滨是在美国(Clolar(R))和欧洲(Evoltra(R))批准用于治疗小儿复发或难治性急性淋巴细胞白血病的第二代核苷类似物。该报告描述了患有血液系统恶性肿瘤或实体瘤的成年和儿科患者中氯法拉滨及其代谢物6-酮氯法拉滨的总体药代动力学。氯法拉滨的药代动力学最好通过口服后线性消除和一级吸收的2室模型来描述。口服口服氯法拉滨后迅速吸收,平均吸收时间少于2小时,生物利用度为57.5%。影响氯法拉滨药代动力学的重要协变量是年龄,体重和估计的肌酐清除率(eCrCL)。在性别,种族或疾病类型之间未观察到药代动力学差异。消除半衰期取决于所有协变量,但在所有情况下通常小于7小时。在成年人和儿童之间观察到了氯法拉滨药代动力学的差异。对于3岁,体重16公斤,eCrCL为138 mL / min / 1.73 m(2)的小儿患者,总体系统清除率和稳态时的分布体积的人群估计为18.3 L / h(1.14 L / h / kg)和92.9 L(5.81 L / kg)。 α和β半衰期分别为0.9和4.4小时。对于82岁,体重为96 kg,eCrCL为46 mL / min / 1.73 m(2)的老年患者,CL和Vdss的总体估计值为21.5 L / h(0.22 L / h / kg)和257.4 L(268) L / kg)。 α和β半衰期分别为0.5和10.6小时。由于药代动力学的差异,成年人的暴露量要高于儿童,因为他们的体表面积标准化剂量相似。这种差异的确切机制尚不清楚。随着eCrCL降低,由于总全身清除率降低,暴露增加。在中度(eCrCL 30至60 mL / min / 1.73 m(2))和重度(eCrCL <30 mL / min / 1.73 m(2))的情况下,可能需要降低剂量以维持相同的暴露水平。口服和静脉给药后年龄,体重和肾功能正常的同等患者。 6-酮氯法拉滨是次要的代谢物,在输注开始后约1小时出现血浆峰值浓度,任何特定个体的代谢物比率平均低于5%且不超过8%。从血浆中快速清除6-酮洛法拉滨,平均表观半衰期为4.9小时(范围为3.9至6.2小时)。在第8天和第15天,剂量前样品均未达到定量极限,未观察到6-酮氯法拉滨的积累。



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