
Effect of visual and tactile feedback on kinematic synergies in the grasping hand


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The human hand uses a combination of feedforward and feedback mechanisms to accomplish high degree of freedom in grasp control efficiently. In this study, we used a synergy-based control model to determine the effect of sensory feedback on kinematic synergies in the grasping hand. Ten subjects performed two types of grasps: one that included feedback (real) and one without feedback (memory-guided), at two different speeds (rapid and natural). Kinematic synergies were extracted from rapid real and rapid memory-guided grasps using principal component analysis. Synergies extracted from memory-guided grasps revealed greater preservation of natural inter-finger relationships than those found in corresponding synergies extracted from real grasps. Reconstruction of natural real and natural memory-guided grasps was used to test performance and generalizability of synergies. A temporal analysis of reconstruction patterns revealed the differing contribution of individual synergies in real grasps versus memory-guided grasps. Finally, the results showed that memory-guided synergies could not reconstruct real grasps as accurately as real synergies could reconstruct memory-guided grasps. These results demonstrate how visual and tactile feedback affects a closed-loop synergy-based motor control system.



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