首页> 外文期刊>Foodborne pathogens and disease >Population Relationship of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolates Derived from Aquaculture Ponds, a Seafood Market, Restaurants, and Clinical Samples

Population Relationship of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolates Derived from Aquaculture Ponds, a Seafood Market, Restaurants, and Clinical Samples


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To study the relationship between environmental and clinical populations of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, we collected in total 86 isolates from Southern China during one and a half years. Sixty-eight isolates were recovered from aquaculture ponds, a seafood market, and restaurants, and 18 isolates were recovered from clinical samples. Virulence gene analysis revealed that 25 isolates (14 clinical and 11 environmental) tested positive for tdh, but only 4 carried trh. Interestingly, none of the tdh(+) environmental isolates was recovered from ponds. Both environmental and clinical tdh(+) isolates, except for one clinical isolate, harbor type III secretion system 2 alpha (T3SS2 alpha) and T3SS2 beta-related genes, including vopB2 alpha, which was previously suggested to be absent from environmental strains. More than 70% of clinical isolates carried the pandemic marker of new toxRS (GS-PCR+), which was not present in the environmental isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing analysis showed a high degree of genetic diversity within the environmental isolates. In contrast, the clinical population formed a tight cluster that differed from the environmental isolates. These findings suggest that the pandemic strains of V. parahaemolyticus may not directly originate from marine animals. Rather the environments where they are maintained could serve as reservoirs for toxigenic, but not pandemic strains. These environments provide an ideal place for generation of new toxigenic strains through DNA exchange, which was revealed by extensive recombination events in recA sequences of the environmental isolates.
机译:为了研究副溶血性弧菌的环境与临床种群之间的关系,我们在一年半的时间里共收集了来自中国南方的86株分离株。从水产养殖池塘,海鲜市场和餐馆中回收了68株分离株,从临床样品中回收了18株分离株。毒力基因分析显示,有25种分离株(14种临床和11种环境)的tdh呈阳性,但只有4种携带trh。有趣的是,没有从池塘中回收到tdh(+)环境分离株。除了一种临床分离株以外,环境和临床tdh(+)分离株均包含III型分泌系统2α(T3SS2 alpha)和T3SS2β相关基因,包括vopB2 alpha,以前被认为是环境菌株中不存在的。超过70%的临床分离株带有新的toxRS的大流行标记(GS-PCR +),环境分离株中不存在这种新标记。脉冲场凝胶电泳和多位点序列分型分析显示环境分离物中的高度遗传多样性。相反,临床人群形成了与环境隔离群不同的紧密簇。这些发现表明副溶血性弧菌的大流行株可能不直接来自海洋动物。相反,维持它们的环境可以充当产毒菌株的储存库,而不是大流行毒株的储存库。这些环境为通过DNA交换产生新的产毒菌株提供了理想的场所,环境分离株recA序列中的大量重组事件揭示了这一点。



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