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Optimization of hexametaphosphate-assisted extraction and functional characterization of palm kernel cake protein.


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Response surface methodology was applied to study the optimization of palm kernel cake protein (PKCP) hexametaphosphate-assisted extraction. The optimum PKCP yield (28.37%) when extracted using 1.50% sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) at pH 10 and 50 degrees C, and the 1:70 (w/v) ratio of cake-to-solvent were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the protein yield from an alkaline (pH 10) extraction (8.12 +or- 0.24%). DSC analysis showed a higher denaturation temperature (99.78 degrees C) for PKCP as compared with alkaline extracted (96.96 degrees C), suggesting that a less denatured protein population is obtained. Electrophoresis of the PKCP revealed that the protein has 11 bands with MW ranging from 2.11 to 83.19 kDa. Relative to soy protein isolate, PKCP showed higher surface hydrophobicity (165.96 vs. 51.51), better solubility at pH 7 (87.65 vs. 41.21%), oil-binding capacity (7.73 vs. 2.96 g/g) and emulsifying activity (178.50 vs. 32.57 m2/g), but lower water-binding capacity (0.36 vs. 11.70 g/g), emulsifying stability (32.24 vs. 43.08%), foaming capacity (20.8 vs. 100.0%) and foam stability (3.80 vs. 19.20 ml). PKCP contained the highest amounts of glutamic acid (16.86 g/100 g protein), followed by arginine (10.78 g/100 g protein). With respect to the 1991 standard of the FAO/WHO for preschool children, PKCP's essential amino acid profile showed deficiencies. Results suggest that it can be used as a complementary protein source by supplementing it with a tryptophan-rich source, as this was the limiting amino acid.
机译:应用响应面方法研究了棕榈仁饼蛋白(PKCP)六偏磷酸钠辅助提取的优化。在pH 10和50摄氏度下使用1.50%六偏磷酸钠(SHMP)提取时,最佳PKCP收率(28.37%)显着(饼与溶剂的比例为1:70(w / v))显着(P <0.05)高于碱性(pH 10)提取的蛋白质产量(8.12±0.24%)。 DSC分析显示,与碱性提取物(96.96摄氏度)相比,PKCP的变性温度更高(99.78摄氏度),表明获得的变性蛋白质较少。 PKCP电泳显示该蛋白具有11条带,分子量范围为2.11至83.19 kDa。相对于大豆分离蛋白,PKCP具有更高的表面疏水性(165.96 vs. 51.51),在pH 7下更好的溶解度(87.65 vs. 41.21%),油结合能力(7.73 vs. 2.96 g / g)和乳化活性(178.50vs。 。32.57 m 2 / g),但保水能力较低(0.36对11.70 g / g),乳化稳定性(32.24对43.08%),发泡能力(20.8对100.0%)和泡沫稳定性(3.80对19.20 ml)。 PKCP含有最高量的谷氨酸(16.86 g / 100 g蛋白质),其次是精氨酸(10.78 g / 100 g蛋白质)。关于1991年粮农组织/世卫组织学龄前儿童的标准,PKCP的必需氨基酸谱显示出缺陷。结果表明,它可以通过添加富含色氨酸的来源来补充蛋白质,因为这是限制性氨基酸。



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