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Pressure Ohmic Thawing: a Feasible Approach for the Rapid Thawing of Frozen Meat and Its Effects on Quality Attributes


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Rapid thawing has its significance to minimize the changes in quality attributes and microbial growth of frozen foods. This study investigated the potential of pressure ohmic thawing (POT) which utilize the synergy of high-pressure thawing and ohmic thawing. POT refers to the thawing of frozen foods using ohmic thawing (40 V/cm) under elevated pressures (200 MPa). Custom developed POT system was composed of flexible ohmic cell, pressure chamber, and electric field supplying system. Frozen beef samples in POT cells that were thawed with POT (40 V/cm, 200 MPa) were compared to control samples thawed using conventional, ohmic, and pressure-assisted thawing (PAT). POT had the shortest thawing time (0.8 min) followed by ohmic (5.5 min), PAT (11.5 min), and conventional thawing (43.3 min). POT and PAT applications decreased melting points of frozen samples from -1.6 A degrees C at 0.1 MPa to -27 A degrees C at 200 MPa. In POT, the in situ electrical conductivity increased (0.2-1.0 S/m), which combined with decreased melting points possibly enabled quicker thawing. POT minimized changes in shear force tests and peak forces close to that of raw sample as compared to controls. Our study demonstrates the benefits of POT applications for rapid thawing without affecting meat quality.
机译:快速解冻对于最大程度地减少冷冻食品的品质属性和微生物生长的变化具有重要意义。这项研究调查了利用高压解冻和欧姆解冻的协同作用的压力欧姆解冻(POT)的潜力。 POT是指在高压(200 MPa)下使用欧姆融化(40 V / cm)融化冷冻食品的方法。定制开发的POT系统由柔性欧姆电池,压力室和电场供应系统组成。将用POT(40 V / cm,200 MPa)解冻的POT细胞中的冷冻牛肉样品与使用常规,欧姆和压力辅助解冻(PAT)解冻的对照样品进行比较。 POT的融化时间最短(0.8分钟),其次是欧姆融化(5.5分钟),PAT(11.5分钟)和常规融化(43.3分钟)。 POT和PAT的应用将冷冻样品的熔点从0.1 MPa的-1.6 A摄氏度降低到200 MPa的-27 A摄氏度。在POT中,原位电导率增加(0.2-1.0 S / m),再加上熔点降低,可能会更快地融化。与对照相比,POT可使剪切力测试的变化最小化,并且峰值力接近原始样品的峰值力。我们的研究表明POT应用在快速解冻而不影响肉质的好处。



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