首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Methylphenidate use in pregnancy and lactation: A systematic review of evidence

Methylphenidate use in pregnancy and lactation: A systematic review of evidence


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Aims The aims of this review were to summarize the scientific evidence about the risks of using methylphenidate for ADHD in pregnancy and lactation, to present a case in which interruption of treatment after delivery and during breastfeeding was harmful and to discuss the implications of treating or not treating ADHD in pregnancy and lactation. Methods For the systematic review, databases searched included Pubmed, Psychinfo, Web of Science, Embase, Biosis and Medline. Results Three articles were found with a total sample of 41 children exposed to methylphenidate in pregnancy. Malformations reported included congenital heart defects (n = 2), finger abnormalities (syndactyly, adactyly and polydactyly n = 2) and limb malformations (n = 1). Other problems included premature birth, asphyxia and growth retardation. One case report (n = 1) and one case series (n = 3) were identified regarding exposure to methylphenidate through breast feeding. In all cases, children developed normally and no adverse effects were reported. In our case report we describe an infant exposed to methylphenidate during pregnancy and breast feeding, who developed normally having no detectable congenital abnormalities. Conclusions The number and size of the studies found were small. Identified cases were not representative of the general adult ADHD population having methylphenidate as monotherapy during pregnancy as all the articles reported combinations of methylphenidate with either known teratogenic drugs or drugs of abuse. There is a paucity of data regarding the use of methylphenidate in pregnancy and further studies are required. Although the default medical position is to interrupt any non-essential pharmacological treatment during pregnancy and lactation, in ADHD this may present a significant risk. Doctors need to evaluate each case carefully before interrupting treatment.
机译:目的这篇综述的目的是总结关于在妊娠和哺乳期使用哌醋甲酯用于多动症的风险的科学证据,提出分娩后和母乳喂养期间中断治疗是有害的情况,并讨论是否进行治疗的意义。在妊娠和哺乳期治疗多动症。方法为了进行系统评价,检索的数据库包括Pubmed,Psychinfo,Web of Science,Embase,Biosis和Medline。结果共发现3篇文章,共41例儿童在妊娠期间暴露于哌醋甲酯。报道的畸形包括先天性心脏缺陷(n = 2),手指异常(同指,同指和多指)(n = 2)和肢体畸形(n = 1)。其他问题包括早产,窒息和发育迟缓。关于通过母乳喂养而暴露于哌醋甲酯的案例,确定了一个病例报告(n = 1)和一个病例系列(n = 3)。在所有情况下,儿童均正常发育,没有不良反应的报道。在我们的病例报告中,我们描述了一名在妊娠和哺乳期间暴露于哌醋甲酯的婴儿,其正常发育没有可检测到的先天性异常。结论研究的数量和规模很小。由于所有文章都报道了哌醋甲酯与已知的致畸药物或滥用药物的组合,因此已确定的病例不能代表在妊娠期间使用哌醋甲酯作为单一疗法的一般成人多动症人群。关于怀孕期间使用哌醋甲酯的数据很少,需要进一步的研究。尽管默认的医疗状况是在怀孕和哺乳期间中断任何不必要的药物治疗,但在ADHD中这可能会带来重大风险。在中断治疗之前,医生需要仔细评估每个病例。



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