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The Contemporary American Crafts Movement and the Woman behind It


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I was a potter using a kick wheel made by my young husband from directions in "Popular Mechanics" magazine in 1947. At age 29 I entered one of the first "Under 30" shows at America House in New York City. Mrs. Aileen Osborn Webb had opened this first store to show contemporary crafts. We accepted craftsmen met on the second floor of the small store before the opening of the show. We ate boxed suppers while sitting on the floor. Mrs. Webb was there in her sensible shoes and kindly demeanor. So were Jack Lenor Larsen and Peter Voulkos who later went on to great fame. I did not but my rutile blue bowl was sold during the show and in my prideful memory I know it was for $15! The Under Thirty show became a yearly competition as an important channel to bring craftsmen into the lime light.
机译:我是一个陶艺家,使用的是我年轻的丈夫在1947年向《大众机械》杂志的指示制作的脚轮。29岁的时候,我参加了纽约市美国众议院举办的首场“ 30岁以下”秀。艾琳·奥斯本·韦伯夫人(Aileen Osborn Webb)开设了这家第一家商店,展示现代手工艺品。展览开幕前,我们接受了在小商店二楼见过的工匠。我们坐在地板上吃盒装晚饭。韦伯太太穿着漂亮的鞋子,举止优雅。杰克·勒诺·拉尔森(Jack Lenor Larsen)和彼得·沃克斯(Peter Voulkos)后来也声名great起。我没有,但是我的金红石蓝碗在展览会上卖了,以我骄傲的记忆,我知道那是15美元!三十岁以下秀是一项年度比赛,成为吸引工匠关注的重要渠道。



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