
A new chapter in the history of depression


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Once thought of as a disturbance of the humors, then as the result of anger turned inward, we now recognize that major depression is a brain disorder that is highly responsive to both somatic and psychological/behavioral interventions. For decades, a small group of investigators in the latter half of the 20th century focused specifically on the relationship of depression to disturbances of the circadian system, but they were clearly in the minority, overshadowed by those working on theories of neurotransmission and endocrine disturbances. Finally, we have arrived at a new chapter in our understanding of depressive illness that, while recognizing the importance of this earlier work, also acknowledges the importance of circadian factors and how their disturbance relates to the various dimensions of depression. In this volume, we present a series of papers focused on this new understanding of depression. Courtet and Olie begin the discussion with an overview of the circadian dimension and how it relates to severity of depression. Racagni and Tardito then present a beautifully reasoned argument for the critical synergy between melatoninergic receptor agonism and serotoninergic receptor antagonism in achieving antide-pressant response. The paper by Fossati focuses on the emerging neuroscience of emotion, in particular on the brain regions responsible for the emotion processing so critical to mood disorders. Lam provides a review of what is known about the time course and trajectory of antide-pressant treatments, with a particular focus on early onset of symptomatic improvement, losifescu then addresses the critical role of functioning as a marker of deterioration and improvement in psychiatric illness and how mood may interact with cognition and psychosocial functioning to determine overall levels of impairment.
机译:一旦被认为是对幽默的干扰,然后是愤怒向内转移的结果,我们现在认识到重度抑郁症是一种对躯体和心理/行为干预都高度反应的脑部疾病。几十年来,在20世纪后半叶,一小群研究者专门研究抑郁症与昼夜节律系统紊乱的关系,但显然,他们是少数,被从事神经传递和内分泌紊乱理论研究的人们所蒙蔽。最后,我们在对抑郁症的理解上进入了新的篇章,在认识到这项早期工作的重要性的同时,也承认了昼夜节律因素的重要性以及其昼夜节律因素与抑郁症各个方面的关系。在本卷中,我们提出了一系列针对这种对抑郁症的新理解的论文。 Courtet和Olie首先讨论了昼夜节律及其与抑郁症严重程度的关系。然后,Racagni和Tardito对褪黑素能受体激动剂和5-羟色胺能受体拮抗剂在实现抗抑郁反应中的关键协同作用提出了合理的论证。 Fossati的论文重点研究了新兴的情绪神经科学,特别是负责情绪处理的情绪的大脑区域。 Lam回顾了抗抑郁药治疗的时程和轨迹,特别着眼于症状改善的早期发作,然后losifescu解决了作为精神疾病恶化和改善标志的功能的关键作用。情绪如何与认知和社会心理功能相互作用,以确定整体障碍水平。



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