首页> 外文期刊>Electronics and Electrical Engineering >The Magneticreactive Effect in Transistors for Construction Transducers of Magnetic Field

The Magneticreactive Effect in Transistors for Construction Transducers of Magnetic Field


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One of perspective scientific directions in development of transducers offered in this work, is usage dependence of reactive properties and negative resistance of semiconductor devices from influence of exterior physical quantities and making on this basis a new class of radiomeasuring microelectronic transducers of a magnetic field. In devices of such type there is the transformation of a flux density to a frequency signal, that allows to establish transducers on integrated technique and enables to boost speed, accuracy and reliability, to expand the range of measurands, to improve reliability, noise stability and long-time parameter stability [1-3]. Besides the join single-crystal of transducer with the circuits of an information handling enables makings "intellectual" devices. Usage as information parameter of frequency allows to avoid application of amplifying devices and analog-to-digital converters at an information handling, that reduces the cost price of monitoring systems and control [4]. Thus, on the agenda already today become necessity of development it is qualitatively of the new theoretical approaches to making radiomeasuring microelectronic transducers, development of their circuits and constructions, experimental research of their performances, metrology parameters, implantation them in production.



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