首页> 外文期刊>ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology >InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes with Multiple-Porous GaN Structures Fabricated through a Photoelectrochemical Etching Process

InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes with Multiple-Porous GaN Structures Fabricated through a Photoelectrochemical Etching Process


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Multiple-porous GaN structures were formed in InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) structures through a selective photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching process. A 1.3 μm-thick PEC-treated n~+ -GaN:Si layer consisting of nanoporous, whisker, fiber-shaped, networking, and air-gap structures located at the bottom of the LED structure was fabricated. Multiple-porous GaN structures were formed caused by the non-uniformly lateral etching rate on the n~+ -GaN:Si layer under a high PEC-biased voltage. An 80 μm lateral etching width and a 70% bottom roughened area ratio were measured on the treated LED structure without affecting the electrical properties. The light output power of the treated LED had an approximate enhancement of 57% compared with the non-treated LED structure. Fabry-Perot interferences of the treated LED structures were observed in angle-resolved electroluminescence spectra indicating that the effective optical refractive index of the bottom multiple-porous structure was reduced.
机译:通过选择性光电化学(PEC)刻蚀工艺,在InGaN发光二极管(LED)结构中形成多孔GaN结构。制作了一个1.3μm厚的PEC处理的n〜+ -GaN:Si层,该层由位于LED结构底部的纳米孔,晶须,纤维状,网络和气隙结构组成。在高PEC偏置电压下,由于n〜+ -GaN:Si层上的横向蚀刻速率不均匀而形成了多孔GaN结构。在不影响电性能的情况下,在经处理的LED结构上测量了80μm的横向蚀刻宽度和70%的底部粗糙面积比。与未处理的LED结构相比,已处理的LED的光输出功率大约提高了57%。在角度分辨电致发光光谱中观察到处理过的LED结构的Fabry-Perot干涉,表明底部多孔结构的有效光学折射率降低了。



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