首页> 外文期刊>Ecological Modelling >Simplified Dynamic Energy Budget model for analysing ecotoxicity data

Simplified Dynamic Energy Budget model for analysing ecotoxicity data


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Models based on Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory offer important advantages in the interpretation of toxicant effects on life-history traits. In contrast to descriptive approaches, they make use of all of the data (all time points, and all endpoints) in one framework, and yield time-independent parameters. In 1996, a suite of simplified DEB models for the analysis of standard toxicity tests was presented under the name 'DEBtox'. Unfortunately, the original equations contained a few errors and inconsistencies. In this paper, we revisit DEBtox, presenting a new and consistent set of simplified DEB equations. The full derivation is presented in the supplementary material to facilitate critical examination of our work. The simplification is appropriate for situations where body size at the start of investment in reproduction remains constant, as well as the egg costs (and thus hatchling size). These conditions are probably met in many ecotoxicological tests, allowing this framework to be used, at least as a first approach. Additionally, we present a statistical framework for fitting the model to experimental data sets, and to calculate intervals on parameter estimates, model curves and model predictions. As an illustration, we provide a case study for the effects of fluoranthene on Daphnia magna, although the framework is by no means limited to this species or toxicant.
机译:基于动态能量预算(DEB)理论的模型在解释有毒物质对生命历史特征的影响方面具有重要优势。与描述性方法相反,它们在一个框架中使用所有数据(所有时间点和所有端点),并产生与时间无关的参数。在1996年,一套名为DEBtox的简化的DEB模型用于标准毒性试验的分析。不幸的是,原始方程式包含一些错误和不一致之处。在本文中,我们将回顾DEBtox,并提供一套新的一致的简化DEB方程组。补充材料中提供了完整的推导内容,以便于对我们的工作进行严格的检查。这种简化适用于在开始投资生殖时体形保持恒定,鸡蛋成本(以及孵化场大小)保持恒定的情况。这些条件可能在许多生态毒理学测试中得到了满足,至少可以将这种框架用作第一种方法。此外,我们提供了一个统计框架,用于将模型拟合到实验数据集,并计算参数估计,模型曲线和模型预测的间隔。作为说明,我们提供了荧蒽对大型蚤(Daphnia magna)的影响的案例研究,尽管该框架绝不限于该物种或有毒物质。



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