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Oral History Reveals Landscape Ecology in Ecuadorian Amazonia: Time Categories and Ethnobotany among Waorani People(1)


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Oral History Reveals Landscape Ecology in Ecuadorian Amazonia: Time Categories and Ethnobotany among Waorani People. Waorani oral history in Ecuadorian Amazonia reveals that traditional ecological knowledge contributes to the understanding of the natural environment of this human group. When the Waorani interpret the landscape, they identify certain elements that stand out for their cultural and practical value, as these are products of past and present settlements. The oral history and management practices, by two family clusters settled at the riverbanks of the Nushio River, contributed to assembling an analytical tool called "Waorani time categories." These four time categories were analyzed with floristic composition based on a matrix formed by 522 plant species collected at 12 forest patches, which either had or lacked social history. The aim of this research was to examine how Waorani oral history records the ecological dynamics of some Amazonian forest patches. The use of multivariate statistical methods made establishing differences in plant diversity, evenness, and richness between managed and unmanaged forests plots possible, thus revealing human impact at specific places in Amazonia. This research confirms that it is important to intertwine social history and landscape ecology in ethnobotany with quantitative statistical interpretation, because it permits the association of a human group with a particular forest.
机译:口述历史揭示了厄瓜多尔亚马孙地区的景观生态:Waorani人中的时间类别和民族植物学。厄瓜多尔亚马孙地区的瓦拉尼口述历史表明,传统的生态知识有助于人们了解这一自然环境。当Waorani解释景观时,他们会确定某些具有其文化和实用价值的元素,因为它们是过去和现在定居点的产物。由两个家庭群在努西河河岸定居的口述历史和管理实践,有助于组装一种名为“ Waorani时间类别”的分析工具。对这四个时间类别进行了植物区系分析,其依据是在12个森林斑块上收集的522种植物物种形成的矩阵,这些森林有或没有社会历史。这项研究的目的是检验Waorani的口述历史如何记录某些亚马逊森林斑块的生态动力学。多元统计方法的使用使得在有管理和无管理的森林地块之间建立植物多样性,均匀性和丰富性方面的差异成为可能,从而揭示了人类在亚马逊地区特定地方的影响。这项研究证实,重要的是用定量的统计解释将民族植物学中的社会历史和景观生态交织在一起,因为它允许将人类群体与特定的森林联系起来。



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