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Bacteroides (Parabacteroides) distasonis splenic abscess in a sickle cell patient.


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Splenic abscess is not an uncommon complication of patients with sickle-cell disease. Here we describe an 18 year-old boy with sickle cell disease and left upper quadrant abdominal pain. Computerized axial tomography revealed left sided free flowing pleural effusion and splenomegaly with liquefaction and possible gas formation. The splenic fluid grew an unusual organism known as Bacteroides distasonis. The patient received antimicrobial therapy and underwent a splenectomy with full recovery. The spleen was cystically infarcted and measured 22 x 16 x 5 cm. The capsule was thickened and covered by fibrinous exudate. Histopathologic examination of the spleen showed complete necrosis with reparative fibrosis. This case presents an unusual cause of splenic abscess due to Bacteroides distasonis with a subacute to chronic course. The presence of fever and left sided pleuritic chest pain in patients with sickle cell disease should raise the suspicion of splenic abscess.



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