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Chhana Podo: A Traditional Baked Dairy Product

机译:Chhana Podo:传统的烘焙乳制品

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Chhana podo is the only baked traditional dairy product in India (Fig. 1). Chhana podo finds its origin in Odisha and its popularity is mainly in regions of eastern India. It is made from chhana, sugar and semolina (suji)/refined wheat flour (maida).It is often garnished with nuts, cloves and cardamoms. Chhana podo closely resembles the north Indian traditional dairy product "milk-cake'' in appearance, which is prepared from whole milk by heat desiccation in contrast to heat/ acid coagulation employed for Chhana podo (Karwasra et al, 2001). Most of these sweetmeats made from milk serve as a concentrated source of milk solids-they provide variety (in terms of texture, flavor, mouthfeel) to the diet and enhance nutrition at the same time. They are high or intermediate moisture products and hence require refrigerated storage for the extension of their limited shelf-life (Aneja et al, 2002).
机译:Chhana podo是印度唯一的烘烤传统乳制品(图1)。 Chhana podo起源于奥里萨邦(Odisha),其流行主要在印度东部地区。它是由chhana,糖和粗面粉(suji)/精制的小麦粉(maida)制成的,经常搭配坚果,丁香和豆蔻制成。 Chhana podo的外观与印度北部传统的乳制品“牛奶蛋糕”非常相似,它是由全脂牛奶通过加热干燥制得的,与Chhana podo的热/酸凝结法相反(Karwasra等,2001)。用牛奶制成的甜食是牛奶固体的集中来源,它们可以为饮食提供多种食物(在质地,风味,口感方面)并同时增强营养,它们是高水分或中等水分的产品,因此需要冷藏储存延长其有限的保质期(Aneja等,2002)。



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