首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Fertilisers >Maximizing Rice-Wheat Productivity using Site-specific Nutrient Management Strategy

Maximizing Rice-Wheat Productivity using Site-specific Nutrient Management Strategy


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On-farm trials were conducted for two years to evaluate the effect of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) on rice (scented) -wheat productivity. The SSNM led to significantly increase in the test weight and grain yield of wheat and rice crops in both the years as compared to the state-recommended NPK fertilisers treatment or any other nutrient management practice. On an average, SSNM increased the grain yield of wheat and rice crops by 15.6 and 11.8%, respectively, over the state-recommended NPK dose. Omitting a nutrient from the SSNM approach led to a marked reduction in the grain yield of both the crops. Decline in mean wheat grain yield was highest with phosphorus (P) omission (25.1%) followed by sulphur (S) (13.7%), zinc (Zn) (9.0%), potassium (K) (6.5%) and boron (B) (2.5%) over the full dose of SSNM treatment (NPKSZnB). Reduction in the rice grain yield due to omission of corresponding nutrients amounted to 21.1, 2.9, 8.1, 2.1 and 2.7%, respectively. On an average, N, P, K, S, Zn and B uptake by wheat and rice in SSNM plot was higher than that of the plot which had received state-recommended NPK dose. Total annual productivity of the rice-wheat system was 14% higher in the SSNM plot as compared to the plot which had received state-recommended NPK dose.
机译:进行了为期两年的农场试验,以评估特定地点的营养管理(SSNM)对水稻(香气)小麦生产率的影响。与国家推荐的NPK肥料处理或任何其他养分管理措施相比,SSNM在这两年中均导致小麦和水稻作物的容重和谷物产量显着增加。平均而言,SSNM比国家推荐的NPK剂量分别使小麦和水稻的谷物产量分别增加了15.6和11.8%。省略SSNM方法的营养成分会导致两种作物的谷物产量显着下降。小麦平均单产下降最高,磷(P)缺失(25.1%),其次是硫(S)(13.7%),锌(Zn)(9.0%),钾(K)(6.5%)和硼(B) )(2.5%)超过SSNM治疗的全部剂量(NPKSZnB)。由于缺少相应的养分,水稻籽粒减产分别为21.1%,2.9%,8.1%,2.1%和2.7%。平均而言,SSNM地块中小麦和水稻对氮,磷,钾,硫,锌和硼的吸收均高于接受国家推荐的NPK剂量的地块。与已接受国家推荐的NPK剂量的地块相比,SSNM地块中稻麦系统的总年生产率高出14%。



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