首页> 外文期刊>Brain stimulation >Hypothalamic stimulation enhances hippocampal BDNF plasticity in proportion to metabolic rate

Hypothalamic stimulation enhances hippocampal BDNF plasticity in proportion to metabolic rate


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Background: Energy metabolism is emerging as a driving force for cellular events underlying cognitive processing. The hypothalamus integrates metabolic signals with the function of centers related to cognitive processing such as the hippocampus. Objective/hypothesis: Hypothalamic activity can influence molecular systems important for processing synaptic plasticity underlying cognition in the hippocampus. The neurotrophin BDNF may act as a mediator for the effects of energy metabolism on synaptic plasticity and cognitive function. Methods: The hypothalamus of rats confined to a respiratory chamber was electrically stimulated, and energy expenditure (EE) was assessed via indirect calorimetry. MRNA levels for BDNF and molecules related to synaptic plasticity and control of cellular energy metabolism were assessed in the hippocampus. Results: Electrical stimulation of the rat hypothalamus elevates mRNA levels of hippocampal BDNF. BDNF mRNA levels increased according to the metabolic rate of the animals, and in proportion to the mRNA of molecules involved in control of cellular energy metabolism such as ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase (uMtCK). Conclusions: Results show a potential mechanism by which cellular energy metabolism impacts the substrates of cognitive processing, and may provide molecular basis for therapeutic treatments based on stimulation of deep brain structures.
机译:背景:能量代谢正在成为认知过程背后细胞事件的驱动力。下丘脑将代谢信号与海马等与认知过程有关的中枢功能整合在一起。目的/假设:下丘脑活动可能影响对处理海马认知基础的突触可塑性重要的分子系统。神经营养蛋白BDNF可能充当能量代谢对突触可塑性和认知功能的影响的介质。方法:电刺激局限在呼吸腔内的大鼠下丘脑,并通过间接量热法评估能量消耗(EE)。在海马中评估了BDNF的MRNA水平以及与突触可塑性和细胞能量代谢控制有关的分子。结果:电刺激大鼠下丘脑可提高海马BDNF的mRNA水平。 BDNF mRNA水平随动物的代谢率而增加,并与参与细胞能量代谢控制的分子(如普遍存在的线粒体肌酸激酶(uMtCK))的mRNA成比例增加。结论:结果显示了细胞能量代谢影响认知加工基础的潜在机制,并可能为基于深部脑结构刺激的治疗提供分子基础。



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