首页> 外文期刊>Annals of surgical oncology >Detection of carcinoembryonic antigen messenger RNA-expressing cells in portal and peripheral blood during surgery does not influence relapse in colorectal cancer.

Detection of carcinoembryonic antigen messenger RNA-expressing cells in portal and peripheral blood during surgery does not influence relapse in colorectal cancer.


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BACKGROUND: No consensus has been reached on whether cancer cells detected in blood during colorectal cancer (CRC) surgery may serve as a prognostic indicator. METHODS: One hundred patients with CRC who underwent curative surgery were the subjects. Portal and peripheral blood were collected immediately after celiotomy and examined for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) messenger RNA (mRNA) by using competitive semi-nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The median follow-up period was 59 months (range, 49-74 months). RESULTS: Until now, recurrence has been confirmed in 13 patients (13%). The 4-year recurrence rate was 6.7% (3 of 45) in patients with CEA mRNA-positive portal blood and 20.8% (10 of 48) in patients with CEA mRNA-negative portal blood (P = .09); it was 5.6% (2 of 36) and 19.3% (11 of 57) in patients with CEA mRNA-positive peripheral blood and CEA mRNA-negative blood, respectively (P = .12). There was no difference in disease-free survival between the CEA mRNA-positive and -negative groups. The multivariate analysis showed that the presence of tumor cells in portal or peripheral blood was a factor that reduced recurrence. The relative risks were .17 (P = .01) for the portal vein and .24 (P = .07) for the peripheral vein. CONCLUSIONS: The detection of cancer cells in blood taken during surgery is not considered to be a poor-prognostic factor in CRC.
机译:背景:关于在大肠癌(CRC)手术中血液中检测到的癌细胞是否可以作为预后指标尚未达成共识。方法:一百例接受了根治性手术的CRC患者。开腹手术后立即收集门静脉和外周血,并使用竞争性半巢式逆转录酶-聚合酶链反应检查癌胚抗原(CEA)信使RNA(mRNA)。中位随访期为59个月(范围49-74个月)。结果:到目前为止,已确认13例患者(13%)复发。 CEA mRNA阳性门静脉血患者的4年复发率为6.7%(45分之3),而CEA mRNA阴性门静脉血患者的4年复发率为20.8%(48分之10)(P = .09); CEA mRNA阳性外周血和CEA mRNA阴性血液的患者分别为5.6%(36分之2)和19.3%(57分之11)(P = .12)。 CEA mRNA阳性和阴性组的无病生存期无差异。多元分析表明,门静脉或外周血中肿瘤细胞的存在是减少复发的因素。门静脉的相对风险为.17(P = .01),周围静脉的相对风险为.24(P = .07)。结论:在外科手术中抽取的血液中检测癌细胞被认为不是CRC预后不良的因素。



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