首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Surgical Pathology >Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST) Arising in Diffuse-type Neurofibroma Clinicopathologic Characterization in a Series of 9 Cases

Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST) Arising in Diffuse-type Neurofibroma Clinicopathologic Characterization in a Series of 9 Cases


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Diffuse-type neurofibroma, an uncommon variant of neurofibroma, is associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 in approximate to 60% of cases. Typically presenting in young adults as ill-defined plaque-like dermal/subcutaneous thickening, most cases are located on the trunk or the head and neck region. Malignant transformation is extremely rare. Nine cases of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) arising in diffuse-type neurofibroma (identified in consult files) are described, including clinicopathologic features and follow-up. Five patients were male and 4 female, aged 31 to 59 years (median 49 y). All diffuse-type neurofibromas contained Meissner corpuscles, with tumor sizes ranging between 3.6 and 45 cm (median, 7.4 cm). Five patients had a clinical history of neurofibromatosis type 1, and 1 had Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome. Six tumors arose on the trunk and 1 each on the leg, arm, and scalp. Increased cellularity, nuclear atypia, and mitoses (range, 1 to 63/50 high-power fields) indicated transition to MPNST, classified as low grade in 5, intermediate to high grade in 1, and high grade in 3 cases, 1 of which exhibited heterologous angiosarcomatous differentiation. S-100 expression was quite strong and diffuse in the neurofibroma components and less extensive or weaker in MPNST. Follow-up, available for all patients (median, 80.5 mo, except 1 recent case), revealed that 1 patient developed local recurrence after 9 months; 1 with metastases at the time of initial diagnosis died 1 month after tumor resection. All other patients were alive without evidence of disease at 15 to 145 months (median, 83 mo). Diffuse-type neurofibroma may show transformation to MPNST in very rare instances. It is important to be aware of possible malignant change, requiring thorough sampling of resection specimens and long-term clinical follow-up of patients with unexcised lesions.
机译:弥漫型神经纤维瘤是一种罕见的神经纤维瘤变体,约有60%的病例与1型神经纤维瘤病相关。通常在年轻人中表现为不明确的斑块状真皮/皮下增厚,大多数病例位于躯干或头颈部区域。恶性转化极为罕见。描述了9例由弥漫型神经纤维瘤引起的恶性周围神经鞘瘤(MPNST)(在咨询文件中确定),包括临床病理特征和随访情况。 5例患者为男性,4例女性,年龄为31至59岁(中位数49岁)。所有弥漫型神经纤维瘤均包含Meissner小体,肿瘤大小在3.6至45厘米(中位数为7.4厘米)之间。 5例有1型神经纤维瘤病的临床病史,1例患有Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber综合征。躯干上出现了六个肿瘤,而腿,臂和头皮上各出现了一个。细胞增多,核异型性和有丝分裂(范围为1至63/50大功率场)增加,表明向MPNST过渡,分为5级为低级,1级为中级,3级为高级,其中1级表现出异源性血管肉瘤分化。 S-100表达在神经纤维瘤成分中相当强且弥散,而在MPNST中则不太广泛或较弱。对所有患者进行的随访(中位值80.5 mo,除了1例近期病例)显示1例患者在9个月后出现局部复发。初诊时有转移的1例在肿瘤切除后1个月死亡。其他所有患者在15到145个月时仍存活,没有疾病迹象(中位数为83个月)。在极少数情况下,弥漫型神经纤维瘤可能会转变为MPNST。重要的是要意识到可能发生的恶性变化,需要对切除标本进行彻底取样,并对未切除的病变患者进行长期临床随访。



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