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A comparison of genetic local search algorithms for binary quadratic programming


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It is known that Genetic Local Search (GLS) is one of the most powerful meta-heuristics for a wide variety of optimization problems. The GLS is generally composed of local search and genetic operators such as selection, crossover and mutation operators. In this paper, we apply the GLS to the unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem (BQP) and conduct to compare search performance of four GLS algorithms implemented according to the GLS framework we provide. Difference among four algorithms is only a phase of the local search in the framework. Comparison results show that the difference of the local search incorporated has a strong influence on the quality of resulting solutions found by the GLS algorithms.
机译:众所周知,遗传本地搜索(GLS)是各种优化问题中最强大的元启发式。 GLS通常由局部搜索和遗传操作者组成,例如选择,交叉和突变算子。 在本文中,我们将GLS应用于无约束的二进制二进制编程问题(BQP),并进行根据我们提供的GLS框架实现的四种GLS算法的搜索性能。 四种算法之间的差异只是框架中本地搜索的阶段。 比较结果表明,目的地搜索的差异对GLS算法发现的产生溶液的质量有很大影响。



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