首页> 外文期刊>Journal of addictive diseases: the official journal of the ASAM, American Society of Addiction Medicine >Joint trajectories of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms from the mid-20s to the mid-30s predicting generalized anxiety disorder

Joint trajectories of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms from the mid-20s to the mid-30s predicting generalized anxiety disorder


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The current study examines longitudinal patterns of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms as predictors of generalized anxiety disorder using data from the Harlem Longitudinal Development Study. There were 674 African American (53%) and Puerto Rican (47%) participants. Among the 674 participants, 60% were females. In the logistic regression analyses, the indicators of membership in each of the joint trajectories of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms from the mid-20s to the mid-30s were used as the independent variables, and the diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder in the mid-30s was used as the dependent variable. The high cigarette smoking with high depressive symptoms group and the low cigarette smoking with high depressive symptoms group were associated with an increased likelihood of having generalized anxiety disorder as compared to the no cigarette smoking with low depressive symptoms group. The findings shed light on the prevention and treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.
机译:目前的研究检查了吸烟和抑郁症状的纵向模式作为使用来自Harlem纵向开发研究的数据的推广焦虑症的预测因素。有674名非洲裔美国人(53%)和波多黎各(47%)参与者。在674名参与者中,60%是女性。在Logistic回归分析中,从20世纪中期到20多岁的香烟吸烟和抑郁症状的每个关节轨迹中的成员资格指标被用作独立变量,以及在中间的概括焦虑症的诊断30S用作因变量。具有高抑郁症​​状组的高烟吸烟和具有高抑郁症​​状组的低烟吸烟与广泛性焦虑症的可能性增加,与NO NO NO抑郁症状组吸烟相比,具有广泛的焦虑症。调查结果揭示了预防和治疗广义焦虑症。



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