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Does Perceived Message Effectiveness Predict the Actual Effectiveness of Tobacco Education Messages? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

机译:感知信息有效性是否预测了烟草教育信息的实际效果? 系统审查和荟萃分析

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Target audience ratings of the likely impact of persuasive messages, known as perceived message effectiveness (PME), are commonly used in health communication campaigns. However, applications of PME rely on a critical assumption-that is, that PME is a valid indicator of the likely effectiveness of messages. To examine the evidence supporting this assumption, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies in the tobacco education campaigns literature. Six longitudinal studies examining the predictive validity of PME met inclusion criteria. Results indicated that PME ratings were significantly associated with the majority of outcomes studied. In fact, each of the six studies found PME to be associated with at least one outcome, and across the six studies, PME was associated with message recall, conversations about ads, beliefs about smoking and quitting smoking, quit intentions, and cessation behavior. Meta-analyses demonstrated that PME predicted quit intentions (r = .256, p < .001) and cessation behavior (r = .201, p < .001), revealing effects that were small to medium in magnitude. Our results suggest that PME provides some predictive value as to the likely effectiveness of messages, although additional work using different validation designs, with other health behaviors, and among other populations is needed.
机译:目标受众可能影响有说服力信息的可能影响,被称为感知消息有效性(PME),通常用于健康沟通活动。但是,PME的应用依赖于关键假设 - 即PME是消息可能有效性的有效指标。为了审查支持这一假设的证据,我们对烟草教育活动文献中的纵向研究进行了系统审查和荟萃分析。六项纵向研究检查PME的预测有效性符合纳入标准。结果表明,PME评级与所研究的大多数结果显着相关。事实上,六项研究中的每一个都发现PME与至少一个结果相关联,并在六项研究中,PME与消息召回,关于广告的对话,关于吸烟和戒烟的信仰,戒烟和停止行为的谈话相关。 Meta-Analyzes展示了PME预测的戒烟(r = .256,p <.001)和停止行为(r = .201,p <.001),揭示较小级别的效果。我们的结果表明,PME为消息的可能有效性提供了一些预测价值,尽管需要使用不同验证设计的其他工作,以及其他健康行为以及其他人群。



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