首页> 外文期刊>Thorax: The Journal of the British Thoracic Society >Effect and impact of mechanical ventilation in myotonic dystrophy type 1: a prospective cohort study

Effect and impact of mechanical ventilation in myotonic dystrophy type 1: a prospective cohort study


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Few studies have assessed the impact of home ventilation in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and no specific recommendations are available. We assessed the survival associated with category of home ventilation adherence of patients with DM1 followed up at a home ventilation unit using a Cox proportional hazards model. 218 patients were included; those who refused or delayed their acceptance of non-invasive ventilation were at higher risk for severe events (invasive ventilation or death) (P=0.03). Risk of death was associated with orthopnoea (HR 2.37; 95% CI 1.17 to 4.80; P0.02) and adherence category (100 to 90% vs 75%: HR 3.26; 95% CI 1.32 to 8.04; P0.03). Failure to use home ventilation as prescribed may be associated with increased mortality in patients with DM1.
机译:很少有研究评估了患有肌动育营养不良型1型(DM1)患者的归属常态的影响,并且没有具体的建议。 我们评估了与DM1患者的家庭通风粘附类别相关的存活,然后使用COX比例危害模型随访于家庭通风装置。 包括218名患者; 那些拒绝或推迟接受非侵入性通气的人患严重事件的风险较高(侵入性通气或死亡)(P = 0.03)。 死亡风险与正交(HR 2.37; 95%CI 1.17至4.80; P <0.02)和粘附类别(100至90%Vs& 75%:HR 3.26; 95%CI 1.32至8.04; P <0.03) 。 未使用如规定的归属通风可能与DM1患者的死亡率增加相关。



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