首页> 外文期刊>Professional Lighting Design >'The Last Supper': Light is back. The new lighting for The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci met with the approval of experts from the lighting field

'The Last Supper': Light is back. The new lighting for The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci met with the approval of experts from the lighting field

机译:“最后的晚餐”:灯回来了。 Leonardo da Vinci的最后一日晚餐的新照明会见了照明领域专家的批准

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The existing lighting for The Last Supper could only be described as insipid and washed out. It certainly did not whet anyone's appetite for anything, spiritual or otherwise. Not surprising given that the light sources used to light - or should one say afflict - da Vinci's masterpiece in the Santa Maria delle Grazie Dominican convent were fluorescent lamps ... And we all know that fluorescent light does very little to enhance the appearance of a meal, let alone the people sat at the table.
机译:最后的晚餐的现有照明只能被描述为不脂肪并被冲出。 它当然没有任何任何人对任何东西的胃口,属灵或其他。 鉴于光源用于光源 - 或者应该一个人说折磨 - 达芬奇在圣玛丽亚的杰作,Grazie Dominican修道院是荧光灯......而且我们都知道荧光灯很少有助于增强a的外观 吃饭,让人坐在桌旁。



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