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Cultural distance and internationalization: the world's largest food and drink multinationals.


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The authors analyze the expansion of the world's largest food and beverage multinational enterprises (hereafter, F & B MNEs) over 1996-2002 using a database that provides detailed information on the location and activities of more than 8,000 affiliates. The research provides abundant empirical support to the view that F & B MNEs operate on a worldwide scale and although their share of foreign to total affiliates is lower than in the average MNE they have a wide country spread. The great physical dispersion of the F & B MNEs' assets, however, does not necessarily imply expansion to cultural distant areas. World leaders in this industry are more likely to expand their operations to countries that display cultural characteristics similar to those of the home country. The authors observe differences concerning cultural distance among different companies. Western F & B MNEs seem more culturally rooted than Japanese ones, probably owing to differences in the product mix and the activities developed by the companies. A comparison of 1996, 2000, and 2002 data shows that F & B MNEs are gradually expanding to increasingly unfamiliar environments. Complementary analysis of 3,507 M&A operations involving the sampled MNEs between 1987 and 2003 confirms these findings.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/agr.20283
机译:作者使用数据库提供了有关8,000多个分支机构的所在地和活动的详细信息,分析了1996-2002年间全球最大的食品和饮料跨国企业(以下简称F&B MNEs)的扩张情况。该研究为餐饮跨国公司在全球范围内开展业务这一观点提供了丰富的经验支持,尽管它们在外国分支机构中所占的份额低于其在分支机构中所占的平均份额,但它们在全国范围内的分布却很广泛。餐饮业跨国公司资产的巨大分散并不一定意味着要扩展到文化遥远的地区。这个行业的世界领导者更有可能将其业务扩展到具有与母国文化特征相似的文化特征的国家。作者观察到有关不同公司之间文化距离的差异。西方餐饮跨国企业似乎比日本企业更具有文化根源,这可能是由于产品组合和公司开展的活动存在差异。对1996年,2000年和2002年数据的比较表明,餐饮跨国公司正逐渐向不熟悉的环境扩展。对1987年至2003年间涉及抽样多国企业的3,507项并购活动的补充分析证实了这些发现。Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/agr.20283



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