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Self-assessment accuracy in higher education: The influence of gender and performance of university students


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Self-assessment activities are increasingly popular in the classrooms. But regarding self-assessment accuracy, mixed results are reported without clear reasons for this. This article addresses the impact of gender and performance on self-assessment accuracy. To evaluate self-assessment accuracy, peer and professor assessments are used as reference. A research project, relating to the assessment of oral presentations using scoring rubrics, is conducted in two university degrees. Data from 155 self-assessments and more than 12,000 peer and professor assessments are gathered. The analysis differentiates by degree, gender and level of performance in the assessed competency. The results show that self-assessment accuracy is low and related to the student's gender, that men rate themselves higher than women do, and that even using a scoring rubric, students receiving higher marks from professors are more accurate than students receiving lower marks.
机译:自我评估活动在教室里越来越受欢迎。 但关于自我评估准确性,报告了混合结果而不明确原因。 本文涉及性别和性能对自我评估准确性的影响。 为了评估自我评估准确性,对等体和教授的评估用作参考。 与使用得分尺寸评估的口头介绍有关的研究项目在两个大学学位中进行。 收集来自155个自我评估和超过12,000个同行和教授评估的数据。 分析在评估竞争力中的程度,性别和性能水平区分了分析。 结果表明,自我评估的准确性低且与学生的性别有关,那些男性对自己的评价比女性更高,而且甚至使用得分的标题,从教授获得更高的痕迹比接受较低标记的学生更准确。



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