
Meta-analysis: Silymarin and its combination therapy for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B


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Silymarin is used by many patients with chronic hepatitis B, but its efficacy remains unknown. The aim of this investigation was to conduct a meta-analysis to determine the efficacy and safety of silymarin and its combination therapy for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. We searched Chinese and English reports from January 1966 to December 2011, using 12 databases. Two reviewers independently screened all reports to identify randomized placebo-controlled trials that evaluated silymarin and its combination therapy for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. Twelve trials satisfied the eligibility criteria for this meta-analysis. Silymarin was equivalent to antiviral drug or protection liver drugs in serum transaminases, viral load and hepatic fibrosis markers. But silymarin combined with antiviral drug or antiviral drug and protection liver drugs significantly reduced the level of serum transaminases, hepatic fibrosis markers and serum TGF-β1, TNF-α, IL-6 versus antiviral drug or protection liver drugs. Silymarin combined with protection liver drugs significantly reduced the level of serum transaminases, TBIL, hepatic fibrosis markers and was equivalent to protection liver drugs in the normalisation rates of serum transaminases, TBIL, but protection liver drugs significantly increased the improvement rates of hepatic fibrosis markers. Silymarin combined with antiviral drug or antiviral drug and protection liver drugs may have potential therapeutic value. Treatment with silymarin appears to be safe and well tolerated. The data are too limited to exclude a substantial benefit or harm of silymarin and its combination therapy on serum transaminases, and also to support recommending this herbal compound for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.
机译:许多慢性乙型肝炎患者使用Silymarin,但其疗效仍然未知。该调查的目的是进行荟萃分析,以确定西方西兰林及其联合治疗治疗慢性乙型肝炎的疗效和安全性。我们在2011年1月至2011年12月搜索中英文报告,使用12个数据库。两位审稿人独立筛选了所有报告,以确定评估西菇和其联合治疗的随机安慰剂对照试验,以及治疗慢性乙型肝炎的治疗。12种试验对该荟萃分析的资格标准满足了该荟萃分析的资格标准。 Silymarin等同于血清转氨酶中的抗病毒药物或保护肝脏药物,病毒载体和肝纤维化标记物。但西里马林与抗病毒药物或抗病毒药物和保护肝脏药物相结合,显着降低了血清转氨酶,肝纤维化标志物和血清TGF-β1,TNF-α,IL-6与抗病毒药物或保护肝脏药物的水平。 Silymarin联合保护肝脏药物显着降低了血清转氨酶的水平,血清转氨酶,肝纤维化标志物水平,并相当于保护肝脏药物在血清转氨酶,结核病的归一化率,但保护肝脏药物显着提高了肝纤维化标志物的提高率。 Silymarin与抗病毒药物或抗病毒药物和保护肝脏药物相结合,可能具有潜在的治疗价值。用西里马林治疗似乎是安全和耐受性的。数据过于局限,不能在血清转氨酶上排除体米林和其联合治疗的大益处或危害,并支持推荐这种草药化合物用于治疗慢性乙型肝炎。



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