首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geography >Exploring spatial variation of bike sharing trip production and attraction: A study based on Chicago's Divvy system

Exploring spatial variation of bike sharing trip production and attraction: A study based on Chicago's Divvy system


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Bike sharing systems are adopted by many cities due to its contribution to energy saving and mitigation of traffic congestion. Understanding factors that influence bike sharing ridership and accurate estimation of ridership play an important role in designing the system. Previous studies assume the relationship between predicting variables and the response variable are the same across the study area. However, this assumption may not be true, since the study area is usually wide and thus the relationship between predicting variabels and the response variable may change across space. As a result, semi-parametric geographically weighted regression (S-GWR) model is used to explore the spatially varying relationship. S-GWR is an extension of the GWR model. While in GWR model, all predicting variables are local variables with spatially varying relationship with the response variable, S-GWR model allows predicting variables to be either global or local, which is closer to reality. We also extend previous studies by differenciating members and 24-h pass users, as well as data related to trip production and trip attraction. Results show that S-GWR models fit the data better and the relationship between some predicting variables and response variable are local while other relationships are global. Ridership of both members and 24-h users are positively related to number of employed residents nearby and capacity of the station, and negatively related to distance to central business area and percent of low-income workers living nearby. Number of employments is only significantly associated with trip attraction. Among them, the variable capacity is always a global variable, with higher capacity associated with higher ridership. As a result, S-GWR model could be used to estimate the ridership of stations for accurate prediction and spatially varying relationship between ridership and influencing factors should be considered when designing bike sharing system.
机译:许多城市采用自行车分享系统,因为它对交通拥堵的节能和减轻的节能和减轻的贡献。了解影响自行车分享乘坐和准确估算乘坐的因素在设计系统方面发挥着重要作用。以前的研究假设预测变量与响应变量之间的关系在研究区域中是相同的。然而,这种假设可能不是真的,因为研究区域通常很宽,因此预测变黄素和响应变量之间的关系可以跨空间改变。结果,半导体地理加权回归(S-GWR)模型用于探索空间变化的关系。 S-GWR是GWR模型的扩展。虽然在GWR模型中,所有预测变量都是具有与响应变量的空间变化关系的局部变量,S-GWR模型允许预测变量是全局或本地的,这更接近现实。我们还通过差异化成员和24小时传递用户来扩展以前的研究,以及与旅行生产和旅行吸引力相关的数据。结果表明,S-GWR模型更好地拟合数据,一些预测变量与响应变量之间的关系是本地的,而其他关系是全局的。成员和24小时用户的乘客与员工居民的数量与车站附近和能力的数量相比积极地相关,与与中央商业区的距离和生活在附近的低收入工作者的距离负相关。就业人数与旅行吸引力显着相关。其中,可变容量始终是全局变量,具有更高的容量与更高的乘客相关。因此,S-GWR模型可用于估计在设计自行车共享系统时应考虑乘客和影响因素之间的准确预测和空间不同关系的站点。



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